Many times I am really, truly impressed with my nephew, Garrett Trainor. When Garrett was three years old, he asked, "John, why do people buy insurance for their cars?" Isn't that an amazing question from a three year old?! I could tell you story after story. Today he was telling me how he doesn't really care for music. I asked him why; he replied that it is a waste of time.
Amazing! Most every kid his age is so into the shallow music of the day. Garrett tells friends who question his lack of interest, "I prefer to do something more productive." When I was his age my ear was glued to my Japanese transistor radio day and night, enraptured with the silly songs of the day. I remember I was so turned on with "Tell Laura I love Her." ha. What a riot!
Recently I saw the following on Garrett's bedroom wall and asked if I could have it. It's so full of youthful idealism and innocence, but Garrett just turned 12!
The Protector
To soar through the vast blue skies would be a dream. Many people can speak of freedom in their nation but few can say that they’re the ones to defend it. In my eyes a jet is not a machine of war, but a true piece of elegance, I’ve had the privilege to gaze at these protectors of the sky. And there in that spot I stood frozen in awe, mesmerized by its shining wings and sleek body. Every time I see a jet I cant help but saying to myself “someday ill be up there sitting in that cockpit roaring through the sky at mach speed as a hero, and apart of the few the proud and the brave."