Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed US policy for inciting other countries to seek nuclear weapons to defend themselves from an "almost uncontained use of military force"
Other interesting Putin quotes during the same speech:
"Unilateral, illegitimate actions have not solved a single problem; they have become a hotbed of further conflicts,"
"One state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way."
It is “the almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations" that was forcing countries opposed to Washington to seek to build up nuclear arsenals.
"It is a world of one master, one sovereign ... it has nothing to do with democracy," he said. "This is nourishing the wish of countries to get nuclear weapons."
"This is very dangerous, nobody feels secure anymore because nobody can hide behind international law."
"The process of NATO expansion has nothing to do with modernization of the alliance or with ensuring security in Europe."
"On the contrary, it is a serious factor provoking reduction of mutual trust."
This guy Putin is a thug defending his nuclear fetish. Didn’t he just radiate a renegade KGB agent? I mean, I can’t with good conscious, defend Bush but who is this Putin guy to talk…….. (Yes, that is Putin in the pic).