Hey, I just had something confirmed about this Goji juice that Sing (Lorraine's uncle) has been drinking: It's not a fad, it really works!
Neisha, do you remember in an email I told you about Goji juice, and you said you looked it up online and got the impression that it was "just another fad" like the Noni juice everyone was ranting and raving about a couple of years ago? Well, I was just watching Oprah, and you know that doctor she has on occasionally, who's an expert on sex, and longevity, etc., etc.? Well, someone in the audience asked him how to keep up your strength and have more energy, and his answer was, "The best thing I can tell you is to drink Goji juice." When I heard THAT, I knew it wasn't Sing's imagination; he'd been talking about how good he's been feeling, and for someone who no longer has cancer (of the colin), I'd say it's worth a try to get Goji juice.
It's pretty expensive, but you only drink 1-3 oz. daily, and it supposedly has lots of great stuff in it. Sing's sold on it!
Just thought I'd share this info with you all!
Thanks, and have a glorious day...