Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 9:33 AM
To: Laurin, Gregg; Scarano, Mark
Cc: Danford, Sheila; Trainor, Neisha; Bars, TANISHA; Cates, Sandy; DeLattre, Ruth; Demaio, Ruth; Ruiz, Lisa; Tervo, Mark
Subject: Caller Compliment
I received a v/m on Friday from Rosemary Salas, the spouse of our member Carlos Salas. She had talked to Neisha Trainor on Friday with a long list of claims and wanted to thank us for the excellent service provided by Neisha. I listened to the call (well, most of it) and Neisha exercised patience and kindness with this caller who is confused about the patient responsibility on a number of claims. Although this call was more than 30 minutes, Neisha was efficient but thorough in reviewing and explaining the claims and more than satisfied this caller.
Thank-you, Neisha for providing the level of customer service to our members that makes them want to stick with MHBP!
LeAnn Jacobs Supervisor, Service Operations Mail Handlers Benefit Plan Provider Services-Member Services Scottsdale