October 28, 2008
October 27, 2008
Ledge Loves Violet
So cute! Violet was telling me the other day that she wanted a "pink" baby. That means a baby sister. I asked her if she wanted to take Ledge back and get the baby sister. She wailed, "Nooooooo!" She wants both of them.
October 25, 2008
October 24, 2008
October 21, 2008
Tavia's case against her landlord -- Update
October 19, 2008
Up, up and away

October 16, 2008
Feeding the ducks at Sea World
October 12, 2008
Violet and Pippi
October 11, 2008
Rogers: Rampant inflation will be unleashed around the world
I love the way Jim Rogers acts so annoyed at the questions he is asked. It is like, "You people just don't get it." This is a good video. He says he has an enormous amount of cash and he is using it to buy more Swiss francs and Japanese yen. And, he says the guys at the G7 meeting should just go down to the bar and have a beer and leave the rest of us alone. Trying to fix this mess, they are releasing an "inflationary holocaust" because they don't know what else to do.
The Party's Over

[C]redit is gone because savings are gone. Our shallow pool of savings has been depleted through bad loans, and we can no longer entice foreigners into lending us their available savings. Given that we are already too loaded up on existing debt that we cannot realistically repay, who can blame them for not wanting to lend us more?
The intention of all these daily federal interventions is to keep the credit spigots open so Americans can go even deeper into debt to buy more stuff they cannot actually afford.
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