I just ran across this on my computer and thought that I should throw it up just as a simple reminder that each day that passes we all grow a day older and we don't think much about the missed opportunities that we have, the could haves that we didn't give a second thought, the should haves that we don't consider.
Isn't it something how time passes right by us?
very thought provoking, chaz
Whose the bald alien?
look at that expression on shavawn. she has that same expression now as an adult soometimes. Isn't that cute????
i keep laughing about the "bald alien" comment. Who wrote that?
Sounds like LEO!
No, not Leo. Do you want to know who said that? It was the bald alien's mother, Carol!
Who's the good looking hippie chick holding the bald alien?
carol, shavawn looks so much like you!
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