The 1,776-foot tower, set to open in 2011, will be the tallest of the five skyscrapers planned to replace the trade center. It will be the tallest building in the world.
"Rising from the heart of the World Trade Center site, the Freedom Tower will symbolize the spirit of our city and our nation: inspiring, soaring and undefeated," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
The columns installed Tuesday -- among the largest in the world -- were forged in Luxembourg, then shipped to Lynchburg, Virginia, where workers welded steel plates onto them so they could be properly set in place.
The tower will be built with 45,000 tons of steel, builders say.
Would you work in it?
I am strangely aroused..
I would absolutely work in it. What are the chances of lightning striking in the same place twice?
I think they should make the roof a landing strip. I'll work on the tip top floor.
Shipping stuff.
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