I'd just like to say thank you again to Leo and Alyssa for such a great party! I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I told several people, "I sure do like Leo's family!" They are all such nice people, all of them! It was an honor to have a nice conversation with Henry, in which I learned a little about the family history and what good stock Leo and his siblings come from! I learned how you all jump in and help each other, etcetera. One thing that was really nice in my eyes is that, in every conversation I participated in, there was not a critical word, no gossip, just kind, postive words about one another. It felt really good to have been a part of such a gathering of such decent, solid, good people!
It was a pleasure to meet Drew also! I bet he and Tave have such fun, great times together. Drew is from Arkansas, we hail from Arkansas too, on my mother's side; yes, we are going to get a long great. ha. But I think Drew writes a lot better than most Arky's. ha. Henry told me he really likes reading Drew's comments. That's makes 20, 30 or more, of us, Drew. And here you were concerned about wearing out your welcome. ha.
I'm always proud of my Mom, and was very happy that she was there! There's a number of people I hoped to be able to talk to more, but there will hopefully be future opportunities. I missed my brother Greg, his wife Kelly, Kala and Anna, also Chaz, Neisha, Carol, Cate (whom I met at the last family gathering) and others.
Violet is so precious! With all the attention, toys and everything she doesn't seem to be the least bit spoiled. Leo and Alyssa are certainly doing something right!
Your house is wonderful. I like the layout a lot! The way someone can be sleeping in the bedrooms, yet be undisturbed by activity in the kitchen or living room. Built in 1929, what a gem! What possibilities!
Thank you again, Leo and Alyssa for a great party! Love you!!!
Now THAT was well said, John. Very thoughtful of you to acknowledge everyone and everything. I want to say "thanks" also.
I’d just like to take a moment to comment on Saturday’s activities.
First of all, thank you all, every one of you, for your most pleasant hospitality. I have never felt more comfortable in a group of somewhat strangers in all my life. Of course, I suppose we weren’t total strangers thanks to the blog. For the first time since I came out here from Bentonville nine years ago I found “my” people. YEA! I felt very much at home. Thank you for having me.
Violet, your smile will always brighten a room and makes me feel butterflies in my belly. What a perfect celebration of your first birthday with a perfect bunch of people. You are a lucky little girl that you have so many more birthdays to look forward to!
Alyssa and Leo, I love your new house and the karaoke machine. You guys pulled it together. Leo prepared the house for presentation and Alyssa with the planning right down to Violet water and printed napkins. The candy bar was a great idea. Everything was clever and very cool. I didn’t see one kid that wasn’t in the midst of an intense sugar buzz at anytime throughout the evening.
Garrett, you are true gentlemen and an upstanding young man. We didn’t speak much but I know things about people. Trust me with this. Nice to meet you, our paths will cross again soon. Maybe on the blog. We have to discuss this Kobe fascination.
Grandma, what a grand pleasure to run into a fellow Arkansan in this God forsaken state. You are true southern lady; I am awed by your presence. You, me and Tavia will have to meet up for a good ole southern breakfast one morning. I miss those the most. We’ll have biscuits and gravy with grits and mint juleps. Or mimosas if you prefer. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance so you and I have to party again soon, that’s all I’m saying.
Ronnie, you’re a rabid beast out of control. You hung to the end. You had me at “hello”.
John, I was probably most anxious to meet you for the first time. The anticipation was excruciating and I was not disappointed. It’s nice to have a face and voice to put with the blog material. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement and support. You all would have a hard time pulling out of this foray anyway. I’d just have to make up a new moniker and keep commenting. I’m glad to call you a friend.
Lisa, you are out of control, oh my God. If I ever get arrested I want you to be the one to talk to the Feds. I didn’t do it. Those aren’t my pants. You got my back, right?
Linnette, I thought my Mom was the coolest, until Tavia trumped me. But, what I must say stands out as the most prominent part of meeting you is your magnificent singing voice. You were perfect. Will you sing in our band?
Bob, I kept the kids off the window after you left. Don’t sweat it. Should be about cured by now huh? (Quick note, I’ll post the pic if enough people ask, I took a picture of you and little Seth in the kitchen. It turned out best picture I have of the entire party. Even beats Tavia clinging to John’s leg trying to get him to stay). I needed some of your coffee the next morning. I look forward to seeing you again.
Pryn and Ken, I love you guys. You’re like a modern day Grace and Allen, or Lucy and Ricky or Bonnie and Clyde. I’m not real sure but whomever you resemble, what a classic pair you are. I shiver to think of the four of us in public.
To the little girl that kept hitting me in the arm, with Ken’s tutelage, I have bruises. Thanks. I had to tell my boss I fell down the stairs. Again.
To the bazillions of children buzzing around like bees all day, you are soooooooooo lucky.
Mike, do you ever take off your sunglasses? Are you some sort of albino? Should I bring some garlic and wear a cross in Vegas. It’s just weird man, that’s all I’m saying.
Tavia, Violet’s birthday aside (we all know that was the most important point of Saturday) your receiving the salesperson of the year award from Mike was the absolute highlight of my evening. I really respect and understand how committed you are and the discipline it takes. Knowing how damn hard you REALLY have to work, it just makes me feel warm inside that others recognize it too. That is a magnificent feat which was not easy to do, you work with a few sharks and your business is tough. I am very proud of you and everyone else should be too. You really do ROCK!!!
Enough said, too wordy. Sorry. John got it started. Then Lisa taunted me on Perspectives. Can’t help it.
Drew, I did not have a chance to meet you, but I know I'm going to like you because you recognize how special all those people in my family are.
And, TAVIA! I didn't hear about this award! TELL ABOUT IT!
Drew, you're the greatest! So glad you're around.
Drew, post the pic of Tavia and John's legs and other ones too if they are good, Bob and Seth.
I agree wholeheartedly with Linnette and Neisha, you're a cool guy.
And I hadn't heard about Tavia getting the "salesperson of the year award" either, which is fantabulous. (That just came to me, how corny, huh). Tavia, why didn't you say something?
But seriously, what in the hell do you mean, I'm out of control? I'll have you know, Drew, how true that is. (lol)
Tavia, for some reason I keep thinking about you throughout this period of anticipation of the party and then the aftermath, and can't help but get a warm, tender feeling for you. Why is that? I don't know.
Alyssa and Leo, I love you guys too, I think you make a perfect couple. Alyssa, you know how I feel about you, it goes without saying, but Leo, you're seriously darling. Go figure.
Aw shucks John, I don’t know about all that. When my head swells back down to normal size maybe I’ll try to comment. Now I’ll just say Thanks.
But John, writers season like a good wine. I disagree with your comment that your talent is a shadow of its former self. You’re still prosing baby don’t go all loopy on me.
As far as brain maintenance, I think we all know I like to keep my mind limber. I may need some frontal lobe air bags. And eventually a fresh liver most likely.
Don’t worry though. I’ll just harvest organs from my clone being grown in the incubator in Brazil. Go it all covered. Got to keep this show on the road…….
Neisha, so when are WE gonna meet. Do you have a bathtub?
Bathtub? Yes, however, it might be awkward to meet there. Perhaps we should just wait for the next gathering.
Oh Neisha, that is hysterical! So funny.
I just read your comment to Carol, and you know that laugh she has when she thinks something is really funny? Well, she hasn't stopped. It's still going...
omg, now I'm worried. Carol's still laughing. This is not good.
OK, it's decreasing in size and frequency... Less intense. Not as hardy. Still lightly chuckling, but no longer alarming. All's back to normal.
Phew. That was close.
Neisha, that is a splendid idea! The more the merrier!
You know why Drew is mentioning the bathtub? I almost forgot about that, Drew. In the bathtub at Alyssa and Leo's house, there were the following people: Pryndana, Tavia, Linnette, Drew, Ronnie, Lisa .... who else? I can't remember. There more people, right? Anyway, we were all standing in there just talking. It was so funny.
We should have got a picture of that.
Oh, I get it now. I thought maybe Tavia told him that all her aunts (except Linnette) like to take long baths, so that's why he asked if she had a tub. lol
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