Pediatricians take aim at advertising to kids
CHICAGO The American Academy of Pediatrics wants government bans and restrictions on advertising to teens and children.Suggested guidelines published in the journal "Pediatrics," note that children are bombarded with 40-thousand television commercials a year and three-thousand each day.
The University of New Mexico's Doctor Victor Strasburger, lead author of the guidelines, says the ads have an affect on obesity, sex, drugs, smoking, and drinking.
The academy recommends limiting television ads to 12 minutes per hour and banning commercials promoting junk food and fast food in programs for young children. The academy also suggests greater control of product "tie-ins" between movies and fast food restaurants.
A McDonald's spokesman says such restrictions belong in the home.
The Beer Institute, an industry lobbying group, says parental control is the key to stopping under-aged drinking, not censorship. * http://www.whbf.com/Global/story.asp?S=5763335&nav=0zGo
3000 commercials per day? Parents, is that possible?
I agree with the Beer Institute and McDonalds.
I recently happened upon a commercial which has been a topic of research for me over the last few days.
So I thought I would post a little something about my findings
Priapism is the occurrence of any persistent erection for more than four hours duration in the absence of sexual stimulation. Priapism is named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility, and the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. He was apparently an ugly, satyrlike man with enormous genitalia. He was the god of gardens, bees, goats, and sheep. According to the story, Priapus had a huge tongue, a fat belly, and his penis was so large that he was restricted to the position of scarecrow in the fields
I found it to be rather amusing that Priapus was the god of goats and sheep LOL
The length of time the erection has been present should be carefully documented. It is also important to document what medications the patient has been taking, including any use of illicit drugs such as marijuana, which has also been linked to priapism. It is also important to get an idea of how long the erections normally last and if there has been associated trauma. Following a medical history, a careful physical examination should reveal a hard penis with a soft glans. It is also important to check the rectum and the abdomen for evidence of unusual cancers and the other causes of priapism. The goal of all treatment modalities is to make the erection go away and preserve future erectile functioning. The faster we can get the erection to subside, the better the outcome.
The first two sentances of this are the most important please read carefully, grab your stop watch, and watch your medicinal intake...
I knew a Ted Kaczynski once. We did a tour in Nam together. He was a pacifist. Not in Nam of course. Later he turned to nihilism but it was too tiring. So he took up golfing. A lot of angst so I figure you may be him. Just forgot the spelling of your name.
Yes, the constant barrage of erectile dysfunction ads in media is definitely adversely affecting America’s Youth. No one ever thinks about this side of the equation. Thanks for reminding us.
Me too. Poor McDonalds. People hate them like they hate Wal-Mart. They are having to build gyms to counter the perception their food eventually kills you. Which it does. But people choose to eat it, why blame McDonalds. Why are they building gyms? They should offer scholarships to potential heart surgeons.
Someone should tell Dr. Victor Stras-Whatta-burger; "it's an off button. Look into it. Those ads pay for all that quality programming we get to soak in".
Nah, the problem isn't with the crappy programming filling the young heads full of mush. Nooooooo, it's the crappy commercials doing the damage. There is so much wrong with this I can't even start.
Could that be you Drew???
I did know a Drew in Nam. Last I heard from him the feds were taking him back to Nevada where he was wanted for bangin horses.
Seriously though the point is that if kids are so enthralled in commercials to the point where they have gotten to be fat lazy sacks of Fast Food eating, video game playing beer drinking junkies, then is in not possible that they would at some point psychologically develop E.D problems and suffer from such issues as priapism.
I mean how ridiculous is it to think that kids are somehow turned into mindless freaks that have no thoughts of their own. On average most working parents do not spend more than 15 minutes per day with their children. What happened to the days of instilling vales and morals. I would say that the problem is that the TV has turned into a built in babysitter rather than a form of recreational entertainment. So where are kids getting their values these day's???
Robert, Exactly! They are figuring about 2 commercials per minute for 24 consecutive hours? Each commercial is 30 seconds long so the kid would have to spend every hour of the day in front of the TV.
That's enough TV to drive any rational human being insane. Besides, I don't know any kid with that long of an attention span.
Remember the Saturday Night Live skit where they were quoting a statistic that every 20 seconds a man gets mugged in New York? Then the reporter revealed, "tonight we're going too meet that man".
During the course of the interview the guy was mugged every 20 seconds.
Classic stuff.
fear tactics. always be skeptical.
as the late great harry browne says, it's never as bad (or good) as they make it sound.
Blah..Blah..Blah..Let's blow this place and get a drink or something.
Let's get the kids a drink.
I mean after watching all those commercials all day and night.......
On October 20, 2003, the families of Aaron Hamel and Kimberly Bede, two young people shot by teens William and Josh Buckner (who in statements to investigators claimed their actions were inspired by GTA III) filed a US$246 million lawsuit against publishers Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive Software, retailer Wal-Mart, and PlayStation 2 manufacturer Sony Computer Entertainment America.[29] [30] Rockstar and its parent company, Take-Two, filed for dismissal of the lawsuit, stating in U.S. District Court on October 29, 2003 that the "ideas and concepts as well as the 'purported psychological effects' on the Buckners are protected by the First Amendment's free-speech clause." The lawyer of the victims, Jack Thompson, denied that and is trying to get the lawsuit moved into a state court and actioned under Tennessee's consumer protection act.[31] The lawsuit is still pending as of the end of 2004.
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