WASHINGTON — President Bush will acknowledge in an address to the nation tonight that U.S. policy in Iraq has failed and will send in 21,500 more troops to try to quell sectarian violence and bolster the Iraqi government, according to a senior administration official. Tonight Bush will request $5.6 billion from Congress to pay for the new commitment of troops. In other news....... USA Today reports there were 744,000 homeless people in the United States in 2005, according to the first national estimate in a decade. That is 744,000 potential heroes we can to send to Iraq that would love some food and board. Give them a gun. A lot less people will complain about the war if its just the homeless getting thinned out.
Nothing will change. Except more death.
In Bush's speech, he said: "We can begin by working together to increase the size of the active Army and Marine Corps, so that America has the armed forces we need for the 21st century."
Does this sound like a draft is around the corner?
Anonymous made a good point on a previous post about the soccer mom's in OC driving around in their SUV's oblivious that their little boys will soon be drafted.
I remember that. It was a good point.
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