He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Who do you like? And, why?
Well, now because of you...
Ron Paul's past writings on race catching flak from right & left
Some things published in the past under the name of Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, especially about blacks, are getting renewed attention from bloggers on the left and right now that he's made something of a name for himself after his performances in the first two Republican presidential debates.
Getting much attention: A 1996 Houston Chronicle story that says a newsletter Paul published in the early 1990s "highlighted portrayals of blacks as inclined toward crime and lacking sense about top political issues."
Looks like Paul is making some folks nervous. They're pulling out the race cards.
Yes, they are getting nervous. They talked about blocking him from future debates.
OK, this is what we do. We send some flour in an envelope marked “Anthrax” to Ron Paul campaign headquarters. Once people start believing the terrorists want to off him the public will jump on our bandwagon!
Neutralize the race card, oh yeah.
Fo shizzle my nigga!
I am sure you saw the exchange between Giuliani and Ron Paul during the May 15 debate.
Giuliani looked like a fool if you ask me yet Fox news reported:
WASHINGTON — Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani won the strongest applause at Tuesday night's first-in-the-South Republican primary debate when he lashed out at Texas Rep. Ron Paul for suggesting that the United States' non-interventionist policy invited the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
He won the strongest applause! How silly is that? He said: "I don't think I have ever heard that before and I have heard some pretty absurd explanations for Sept. 11."
First, he distorted Ron Paul’s comment to make it sound like he was talking about a conspiracy. Then he denied ever hearing anything like it! Conspiracy or what Ron Paul was actually talking about; how is it possible that Giuliani has never heard that explanation? That just makes Giuliani sound out of touch if you think about it. Yet he wins the biggest applause for the night. Everyone is in denial.
Bill Maher pointed this all out on his show the other night. I was thrilled when he started talking about it this way. If you didn't see it, watch it on youtube:
Tavia! I'm so glad you are following this!
Prediction: Our next President will be Mitt Romney.
I like Bill Maher, he talks with such common sense.
Ron Paul should give back some money to the treasury because is isn't dealing with a full deck. He'd be the worst president since Carter. Just another blaim America first idiot. All those votes he got after the debate were democrats. He can't win.
"All those votes he got after the debate were democrats."
What do you mean?
After the debate on Fox, people were able to call in a vote for who they thought won. At first Ron Paul was way ahead. In the end I think Romney edged him out. But all the votes Paul got were not from Republicans. Ron Paul isn't really a Republican, he's a Libratarian, but Democrats like him for his anti-war stance.
Anonymous, identify yourself!
All those votes were from Democrats? Did the people who voted have to designate their political party?
And, by the way, the Democrats don't seem to be anti-war. They say they are against the war, yet they just gave the president all the money he asked for and more to keep fighting it.
Does it matter if the votes were from democrats? I wouldn't think so. A vote is a vote, right?
Yeah, I find it hard to believe there were that many Democrats even watching Fox news.
Did you see Bill Maher last night? I thought Ben Affleck made a lot of sense. I didn't think I liked him before but he made a lot of good points. When he talked about the Democrats not sticking to the timeline to get out of Iraq. They were afraid they could look like they were not supporting our troops over Memorial Day Weekend. That is what I like about Ron Paul, he isn't afraid of what people think of him. He just speaks his mind. What did you guys think?
Yes, Neisha, that is a good point. Who cares what political party the votes were from. They were from Americans who are fed up with the war, lying and corrupt politicians, ever-increasing taxes and inflation, and government intruding in our lives. These are all things that Ron Paul are against, too. And, he is TRULY against them. I know, because I've followed him for a long time. There are bills that Congress has voted on that will have ONE NAY vote, e.g., 413-1. That one NAY vote is most likely Ron Paul. He believes that the federal government should be limited in their power, just like the Constitution says.
I don't have any illusions of him actually being the next President or even winning the Republican nomination.
But, at least, he is making people think a little bit.
Yes, Tavia. I saw him on Bill Maher last night. I liked it.
I wish they had have talked about other issues besides the war, such as the economy, inflation, how we are borrowing from foreign countries to support the excessive spending of the federal government. Ron Paul makes so much sense when he talks about those topics, too. But, I guess the war is the utmost topic on everyone's mind these days.
(On youtube, look up:
ron paul korelin economics
Watch those. There are three parts.)
"Anonymous" predicts that Mitt Romney will be the next president. That may be true. I'm curious to know if Anonymous is a supporter of Mitt Romney. Will you vote for him? If so, please let us know what you like about him. What are his views on the major issues?
I think Bush has already trampled over the Constitution enough; he may as well run for a third term. He can probably rig enough voting machiness for another victory.
Ron Paul can save our country. It isn't too late.
I predicted Bill Clinton would be the President as soon as he announced he was running. I'm just a sure Mitt Romney will be President as I was Bill Clinton was going to be. Here is what Wikipedie says about Mitt.
Main article: Political positions of Mitt Romney:
"Romney now holds pro-life views, though in 1994 he supported abortion rights in Massachusetts which he says was a result of having a sister-in-law die as the result of an illegal abortion. In the 2002 Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign, he was endorsed by the Republicans for Choice coalition. In a March 15, 2007 interview with Larry King, Romney explained that while governor he adapted his political position on abortion when the idea of cloning human embryos for the purpose of harvesting stem cells became an issue of debate in his state.
He supports the death penalty, charter schools, and sentencing under the three strikes law
He opposed both same-sex marriage and civil unions in Massachusetts; when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordered such marriages be permitted, he lobbied for a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision. He has renounced his past support for domestic partnership benefits".
The march toward socialism continues. On July 1, 2007, every Massachusetts resident over the age of 18, must obtain health insurance or face fines. The new law got most of its support from the Democratic majority in the state legislature, but was signed into law by Republican Governor Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney flanked Ted Kennedy to the left on the abortion issue when Romney sought Kennedy’s seat a decade ago, and used his position as a member of the Board of Directors of the Boy Scouts of America to try to force the scouts to accept homosexual pack leaders.
During the debate, Mitt Romney said he would double Guantanamo.
[They hate us for our freedom?]
The heck with Iraq we are being invaded by Mexico! We may have 20 million of these invaders in our country right now. Stealing billions of our tax dollars and meanwhile our national dept is soaring. I just had a great idea. Let's send these 20 million invaders to Iraq and bring our people home.
The only candidate that will not get American further in debt is RON PAUL.
Never mind, it's too much.
Ohhhhh Lisa,
What was that you said????
Come on!
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