Some people I've talked to, liked Sarah Palin's speech. When I said that I didn't, they asked me what it was I didn't like about it. What I heard was an agenda. One that is right in line with John McCain's aggressive, imperialistic, pro-war stance.
"...dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart...." [And, SHOULD they have America's interests at heart? Do we have THEIR interests at heart?]
"With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies...."
"To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ...."
[Obama would] reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit. [McCain said we could stay in Iraq for 100 years.]
Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.
"Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... [Obama's] worried that someone won't read them their rights?" [So, lock them up forever in Guantanamo Bay? If they don't have due process, how can it ever be proved that they were really 'terrorists'? Many of the prisoners at Gitmo have been released. So, apparently they weren't terrorists after all. No wonder they hate us.]
"Our nominee [McCain] doesn't run with the Washington herd." [Since when?]
"...listening to [Obama] speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform...." [He has authored not a single law? Don't we have enough already?] And, then she says, "He will make Government bigger."
She also said in the past regarding the Iraq war: "Our national leaders are sending [our troops] out on a task that is from God."
So, that's why I said that I didn't like some of the things she said in her speech.
But, if you think Bush and Cheney have done a good job, then you will like McCain and Palin.
"...dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart...." [And, SHOULD they have America's interests at heart? Do we have THEIR interests at heart?]
"With Russia wanting to control a vital pipeline in the Caucasus, and to divide and intimidate our European allies...."
"To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ...."
[Obama would] reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit. [McCain said we could stay in Iraq for 100 years.]
Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.
"Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... [Obama's] worried that someone won't read them their rights?" [So, lock them up forever in Guantanamo Bay? If they don't have due process, how can it ever be proved that they were really 'terrorists'? Many of the prisoners at Gitmo have been released. So, apparently they weren't terrorists after all. No wonder they hate us.]
"Our nominee [McCain] doesn't run with the Washington herd." [Since when?]
"...listening to [Obama] speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform...." [He has authored not a single law? Don't we have enough already?] And, then she says, "He will make Government bigger."
She also said in the past regarding the Iraq war: "Our national leaders are sending [our troops] out on a task that is from God."
So, that's why I said that I didn't like some of the things she said in her speech.
But, if you think Bush and Cheney have done a good job, then you will like McCain and Palin.
Robert Said: That's not the question. The real question is: If you don't want Obama and his cohort then you must vote foe McCain and Palin. Palin at this date has more support than Obama or McCain. So get real!
Robert, you say: "If you don't want Obama and his cohort, then you must vote for McCain and Palin."
And, I say to you, "Oh, really?"
There ARE other choices. Like saying NO to both candidates.
I don't think there is any significant difference between the two candidates. Am I wrong about that? If so, please let me know how they differ.
Last couple elections, there was a similar choice. Are you happy with your decisions?
Besides, in California, ALL 55 of the electoral votes go to the candidate with the majority of the votes. That will be Obama.
During her VP acceptance speech, Palin said she "put [the jet acquired by her predecessor] on" eBay, implying of course, that it sold there, though she didn't actually say that it did. Today, during a campaign stop in Wisconsin, McCain himself said, "You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay, and made a profit!"
No. She put it up for sale on eBay — had to sell it through more conventional means — but took a loss of about half a million dollars.
Mom, these are all really good points. All of these things stood out to me too when I was listening, so you taught me well.
I am happy to see someone feminine up there though. Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary - yuck !
When I first saw the Trainor Place blog a couple of years ago, I thought it was for Violet and her Great Grandmother Trainor to stay close.
I am sure glad I did not forward it to very many of our relatives or my friends. As I began to suspect it became one of those sneaky anti-war messages like those street violences. This stuff is not good for best family relations - especially around birthdays and especially since it seems to reach so few people.
It is impossible to make sense out of this debate, so I do not intend to compromise my beliefs for the determined positions of pale face Ron Paul. If there was any justification for his campaign, he would have been a hero in Congress a long time ago, but he is only the darling of stubborn anti-war activists. I stayed up until 11 to hear him on PBS Wednesday evening. He did not look like the Green Bay Packer linebacker I had imagined him to be. Maybe he can help Tavia with her court case. I haven't seen a trial like hers on Judge Judy or People's Court, but next week is a new season!
Now, I will leave you with a few real facts. I plan to acquire every piece of Sarah Palin memorabila
I can locate during the next two months. Look how short of time she has become famous. Souvenirs of her will be worth something someday for Jovian or Violet! This is history and should turn the election into some excitement instead of a big bore, I wonder if Rep. Paul considered you for his running mate?
As a former local political pundit, I know one of the big differences will be which states exceed 80 per cent of the registered voters.
By the way, I got a phone call from a classmate Jack Coburn yesterday who lost two brothers in World War II and a third one Pvt. Fred Coburn was standing next to my brother Louis when they were both shot, but only one was killed. Fred attends Memorial events whever asked.
I am the custodian of Louis' Purple Heart which the kids will eventually hold in their hands.
You have itemized the 634 thousand American casulaities in the past, but I like to compare them with the 6 Billion, 666 Million, 666
Thosand People who will have died on this planet earth during my lifetime.
Not So Anonymous Uncle Henry
Good call Henry. The Sarah Palin campaign memorabilia will be great to collect and save. I think I should have been Ron Paul's running mate. Of course my mom would be the one to write my speeches.
After watching Sarah Palin, one thing is certain, I am going to get a pair of eye glasses. I’m serious.
Hi, Henry: As far as my blog being “sneaky anti-war,” there is nothing sneaky about it. I am definitely anti-war and am not trying to hide that. I don’t know why ANYONE would be PRO-war (except for the politicians and military industrial complex who profit from it).
At one time, I had two separate blogs going. One was this TrainorPlace just as it is now. The other one had only the pictures of Violet, just in case there were some people who did not want to read the other posts here on TrainorPlace. But, I had NO feedback from the blog with only Violet pictures. So, I assumed that nobody even went there. So, I just avoided the hassle of duplicating the pictures and kept TrainorPlace. If you want me to resurrect the other blog, I will be happy to do that. Let me know, okay? The only reason I stopped was because of the zero comments. But, if I know that you will be going there to see the pictures, then it is definitely worth my time to duplicate the pictures on a separate blog. Then you can feel free to forward the link to your family and friends. Just let me know and your wish is granted.
In the primary season, Ron Paul received more donations from active military members than all of the other candidates on both sides, put together. The front lines of our military are sending a powerful message. They too are PRO-Peace and want non-intervention!
Robert Said: Forget the other blog! I would hope people reading comments on this blog would have an open mind. I don't agree with many comments on this blog but that's fine I don't agree with a lot of things and still want to hear all the other points of view.
why repeat all those liberal talking points? They're pretty out dated.
Tavia, you'd look really cute in glasses. And wheely, wheely, smaut.
+respect robert
Sometimes it's more fun to sit back and observe what's going on at these posts rather than get involved, and I gotta say, this particular post has been especially entertaining! Here's what I observed: One side makes valid points, and offers nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense, while the other side evades the questions when he sees that he has no logic to support his views.
And that's the late-breaking news. Film at eleven.
Robert Said: I like Sarah Palin so far. She is the only one of them that I do like. She has shook up the Dems big time. I think this is really funny to watch the Dems scramble. Looks like Obama fell out of favor faster than his rise to stardom. I almost feel sorry for these guys.
Robert: You like Palin, but you haven't said what you like about her. It can't be her politics, because you said that she's the only of them you like. So, if WAS her politics you like, then you would also like McCain (because their politics are the same). So, it must be something else. Her personality? Her looks? Just curious.
Robert Said: I just seemed to like her right off. She is a very good speaker and looks good. She can also lead us to the oil in Alaska.
I don't understand what being a good speaker and looking good have to do with anything. I mean, I'm sure she's a very nice person, and can hold a stimulating conversation, but Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and looked good too. So, where's the substance in your opinion? What do you really like about her? Is articulation and looks good enough reasons to vote for someone?
Robert: Obama's VP pick, Joe Biden, speaks well and is very handsome, but, I would never vote for him--Because I do not agree with his politics. Now, Ron Paul is not exceptionally good-looking, and he is not a great speaker. So, that just goes to show you that your criteria is WAY OFF!
Dad I know what you mean. Sarah Palin fascinates me. I also enjoy watching the democrats squirm.
No Vice Presidential candidate ever went from obscurity to fame this fast. It is fun to watch.
Of course, I don't like what she says and I won't be voting for them.
I will be interesting to see what she does in office if they win. Hopefully she will come around more often than Cheney.
Robert Said: Who do you guys think you are? You don't approve the people I like. You and Lisa are both "Way Off" in your comments. You asked me a question and I answered it, period. I don't give a damn if you agree or not. Where's my freedom? I will vote for McCain/Palin and you can vote for who you like. Yes Lisa go ahead and write in Hitler if you like him. I voted for Ron Paul in the primary but the guy never had a chance, waste of my vote. I don't agree with Ron Paul either. Again you ask me a question and then pounce on me after I answer it. Get real!
Very sorry if it appeared you were being pounced on. Really.
Is my garlic bread ready?
But that's what I'm saying, that I don't understand your answer! What is it about "where's the substance in your opinion?" that made you feel you were being pounced on? I felt it was appropriate to ask you to clarify, since there's a lot of people who speak and look good ("and can lead us to the oil in Alaska").
I always get a kick out of Bob because I'll be reading a long thinking certain sentiments and BAM Bob blurts it out. ha. Like, "Forget the other blog!" ha. No offense, but if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. ha.
Henry, I think it's the very fact that we have a lot of different views clashing here that makes this blog a success. How boring if we all agreed.
Henry, in our own family (the Trainors), we have all different views. Some are pro-Bush, I'm pro-Ron Paul, some are Libertarian, etc. I LOVED Ronald Reagan, even got a personal letter from him once, but I disagreed with some of his positions (like his link to Falwell), and I think Margaret Thatcher was might have been the greatest statesman of the 20th century.
I'll never forget Ronald Reagan's second term win --- I was driving in the midwest during a rain storm and turned on the radio on election night to hear Dan Rather say, "And the Ronald Reagan ban wagon rolls on in state after state!" Thrilling beyond words!!
Linnette, Henry was once a political pundit and writes really well and is very interestin to read. If I were you I would be begging him to PLEASE start posting regularly in the main column. How exciting that would be and would add a lot of spice. I would sure be tuning in.
I would be thrilled if Henry posted on my blog!
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