Someone is obstructing the speeding cameras on Arizona freeways with post-it notes. And, the governor, Janet Napolitano, is furious! She pushed through the legislation for the installation of the cameras to deal with the mounting budget deficit in Arizona. By the way, she will be resigning soon to be Obama's Director of Homeland Security.
The onslaught of Post It notes on photo scam cams has lead DPS to assign an investigator to “determine who is obstructing speed-enforcement cameras on Valley freeways.”
“DPS officials say the acts of vandalism are attempts to prevent speeders from being ticketed.”
Wikipedia defines vandalism as: “the behaviour attributed to the Vandals in respect of culture: ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable. Such action includes criminal damage, defacement, graffiti and crass erection of an eyesore.”
Crass erection of an eyesore? Sounds like the cameras themselves.
They look so low it looks like anyone walking by could have done it.
I request they use some Post-Its for me on the 101, please.
Thank you.
That's where this is happening, Neisha. They mentioned Loop 101.
They caught the guy. : (
Yeah and he got caught and arrested.
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