In May of last year the U.S. money supply stood at roughly $834 billion. Now, a year later, the Federal Reserve has created an additional $941 billion out of thin air. Pay close attention to those numbers…
* The amount of new money the Fed has created is roughly $107 billion more than all the money that was in circulation just a year ago
* In other words, the U.S. money supply has more than doubled
Think about what this does to the value of your dollars, to your savings, to your paycheck, to your retirement income? A doubling of the money supply means your money is worth half what it was.
Of course, your money’s loss of value won’t manifest itself overnight. It will take time for the Fed’s counterfeiting to drive up prices. But those who get the new money first will be able to spend it while prices are still low, increasing their wealth at your expense.
The Federal Reserve, as you might expect, promises that prices won’t rise. They claim they’ll withdraw their counterfeit money before that happens. Do you feel comforted? Should we really believe that…
I have a feeling the results from this inflation will show up soon in prices.
Crude oil futures finished above $70 a barrel for the first time in seven months today.
You know when Chinese students in Peking are laughing out loud at our Treasury Secretary, Geithner, when he tries to assure them their dollar assets are safe.......you'd better have a contingency plan. I don't yet.
This is funny too.....the Federal Reserve has been buying "Treasury Inflation Protected Securities." The Fed prints money (creates inflation) to buy TIPS in order to protect itself........ from the inflation it is creating.
The idiots are in charge, this proves it.
A Tsunami is coming. Time to get off of the beach.
Linnette, you are such a good writer. You too Tavia.
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