"Supporting the initiatives of Chicago Wilderness and the Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights"
That is ONE of the bills that was passed by Congress this week. There were 370 members of Congress voting. The count was 369 to 1.
Who had the conviction to go against everyone else in Congress? Ron Paul, of course. Gotta love him.
I do love him.
Linnette, so glad your still posting political bits concerning ron paul.
When I went to california you with you and we had these talks about polotics, I got VERY curious.
Ive been researching Ron paul, libertarianism, and polotics in general very heavily over the past couple weeks, and i cant get ebnough of it.
The whole idea of libertarianism is just so logic, freedom, and common sence based!
I'm just sorry that I didnt take interest sooner, I wouldve been at every ron paul meetup I could have.
Ron Paul 2012:)
Love you guys
I know what you mean. It makes so much sense! Keep learning and researching.
"Libertarianism promotes a society where no one is the first to harm (strike, defraud, steal from) another. If someone fails to obey this one-and-only law, then he or she must make things right again with the one who is harmed. The only legitimate use of force is self-defense. Basically, libertarianism is a restatement of how we learned to get along with each other as youngsters. We honor our neighbors' choices, and they honor ours. We don't start fights and only fight back when attacked. We try to make right any wrongs that we do. Simple, isn't it?"
-- Dr. Mary Ruwart, Author, Healing Our World
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