August 26, 2010
August 25, 2010
LaRouche Supporter Assaulted by Alaska State Fair Security for Exercising his free Speech Rights
"This 10-minute clip of a protester with a Lyndon LaRouche 'Impeach Obama Now' sign clashing with state fair security appeared yesterday on YouTube and is gaining buzz this morning." -This is not an easy video to watch. The man did absolutely nothing wrong. But because he had a banner that said "Impeach Obama" on it, he was forced to the ground and arrested! They won't even let him stand up after they cuffed him. In fact, a woman has to give him water while he's lying there. Free speech is gone in the USA.
August 15, 2010
August 14, 2010
Violet said...

We were driving and I rolled down the windows which caused the wind to blow in the backseat where Violet and Ledge were sitting. Violet said, "It's a perfect day to fly a kite." I told her, "Well, it's not really windy outside, just in the car here, because I rolled down the windows." To which Violet replied, "It's a perfect day to fly a kite in the car." And, then she cracked up! She is so funny!