We were driving and I rolled down the windows which caused the wind to blow in the backseat where Violet and Ledge were sitting. Violet said, "It's a perfect day to fly a kite." I told her, "Well, it's not really windy outside, just in the car here, because I rolled down the windows." To which Violet replied, "It's a perfect day to fly a kite in the car." And, then she cracked up! She is so funny!
You're pretty cute, Linnette. I love how you explained about the wind in the car thing...instead of just saying yeah, uh huh...hahha which is what I would have said. hahahahaa
Yes, Neisha, I agree. Linnette really cares, takes time and gets involved. And the way she makes us all informed about Violet and Ledge via the blog and videos. I know them much more than I would have otherwise.
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