The fine for the FIRST offense is $20 and $50 for subsequent convictions.
Passengers are not affected.
Drivers 18 and over will be allowed to use a "hands-free" device to talk on their wireless telephone while driving. You can use an earpiece, but you cannot have BOTH ears covered. The new law does not prohibit dialing, but drivers are strongly urged not to dial while driving. Oh, by the way, you can still send text messages while driving (if you are 18 and over).
So, what is YOUR opinion on this law? Whatever you think, please let us know the reasoning behind it.
I think if anything it is the dialing that is distracting so if you can still use a headset, what is the point of this law? Text messaging is what distracts me but that is still legal. Either way, I think it is stupid.
If it is the talking that they think is distracting then they should ban talking with your passengers if you are driving.
Good point Tavia. Does this law make ANY sence at all????????????????? Of course not!! It is incredible to me that you can dial and text but not talk? Doesn't looking down to text and down to dial seem more dangerous than looking straight at the road while you talking? I guess the people who made this law don't have cell phones.
THE September 28, 2006
California Passes Cell Phone Law
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation that prohibits the use of handheld mobile phones while driving in the state.
Effective July 1, 2008, the legislation prohibits drivers from using a wireless telephone while operating a motor vehicle unless the driver uses a hands-free device. Drivers who violate the law will face a base fine of $20 for a first offense and $50 for each subsequent offense.
The law allows drivers to use a wireless telephone for emergency purposes, drivers of commercial vehicles to use push-to-talk phones until July 1, 2011, and allow drivers of emergency response vehicles to use a cell phone without a hands-free device.
California joins Connecticut, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, and some local jurisdictions in prohibiting the use of handheld mobile phones while driving.
So could it be possible that wee have misinformation about being able to text and dial? Maybe it is via "voice" only?
No the law seems to be as Linnette said according to the DMV:
Drivers 18 and over will be allowed to use a "hands-free" device to talk on their wireless telephone while driving. The following FAQs apply to those motorists 18 and over.
Q: Does the new “hands-free” law prohibit you from dialing a wireless telephone while driving or just talking on it?
A: The new law does not prohibit dialing, but drivers are strongly urged not to dial while driving.
Q: Will it be legal to use a Bluetooth or other earpiece?
A: Yes, however you cannot have BOTH ears covered.
Q: Does the new "hands-free" law allow you to use the speaker phone function of your wireless telephone while driving?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the new “hands-free” law allow drivers 18 and over to text message while driving?
A: The law does not specifically prohibit that, but an officer can pull over and issue a citation to a driver of any age if, in the officer’s opinion, the driver was distracted and not operating the vehicle safely. Sending text messages while driving is unsafe at any speed and is strongly discouraged.
Just another reason to keep an eye out for the gestapo. We could start a game: What will they outlaw next?, check back in 5 years and see who got the most right. ha. Better make that, check back in two years, at the rate they are passing these laws. ha.
No, no, no, no way! You can send text messages while driving? That takes more concentration than dialing or talking on phone.
Do you see how they're deliberately passing laws that convolute the constitution and make no sense whatsoever?
How are they going to know which it was, sending a text message or talking on phone? If you were talking on phone, you'll have the cell phone to your ear, if you were text messaging, you'll be looking down at cell screen. It'd be funny if it weren't so SCARY!
By the way, that is an excellent point you made Tavia, which further confirms in my mind that they DON'T WANT stupid laws like this to make sense, they just want to CONVOLUTE THE CONSTITUTIOMN. They know people are going to reason two and two, and that they'll come up with odd numbers, and that's what they want, to send the message through all these senseless laws that government's in control, not the citizens.
Evan, Lorraine's son, got a violation the other day for having his stereo up too loud in his car! Can you imagine? He was in the parking lot outside his place of work getting ready to go in, and a cop drove up and gave him a ticket! He'd only been out there for about two minutes when the cop drove up.
Robert said: Tavia is right it's the dialing that is a problem. People who use a cell phone a lot would all say that I'm sure. So now we need a law to say no more eating or looking at the person in the car the driver is talking to, on and on and on. Everyone of those lawmakers is FIRED!
If only it were that easy, Bob
In New York state, they are trying to ban pedestrians from using an Ipod or cell phone in a crosswalk. "If you want to listen to your iPod, sit down and listen to it," Kruger declared. "You want to walk in the park, enjoy it. You want to jog around a jogging path, all the more power to you, but you should not be crossing streets and endangering yourself and the lives of others."
I like your style, Bob! Bob, this is NOT joking, have you ever thought of running for mayor of Lake Elsinore. I hope that doesn't insult you (Lake Elsinore. ha.) But I remember dad telling me he saw you on TV speaking in a meeting to the city council. You would be the best ever. Bob, you could win! You'd have all us doing whatever we could to help out; not the slightest doubt about that!
Linnette, that is really something! Using a cell in a crosswalk illegal?! I'm reminded often of that quote I read at lewrockwell.com, "Why don't we just fly the Soviet flag and be done with it?!" ha.
Hey, that'd be a great bumper sticker: Why don't we just fly the Soviet flag and be done with it?
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