A dissenting judge says the ruling erodes the protections of privacy and the sanctity of the home guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.
In the State of Washington, where the large majority of the marijuana is grown indoors, a well-publicized $5000 reward awaits informants who will turn in marijuana farms. Remarkably, no advertised reward encourages those who turn in murderers, rapists, or robbers.
What would The Founding Fathers have thought about:
* Rewards for informing on your neighbors?
* Random stops of law-abiding citizens to “check up” on them?
* Bringing dogs onto your property to sniff around?
The American Revolution was fought over less.
Now, what do YOU think?
This is disgusting.
I can't believe it. I'm in shock. Literally.
Well, they will probably be obtaining a large number of search warrants and performing raids on houses with large supplies of Milkbones and/or CATS!
We're turning into another Germany.
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