June 11, 2006

How to get out of having company

If you don't know Gary Banta, your not going to think this is funny.
But, Gary emailed me and said he was interested in moving to Tucson. When I told him how much we liked it here he asked us to pray about it and let him know if he could come check out Tucson for a few days and stay with us when he is here.

We're going to tell him "we prayed about it, and God said no"


linnette said...

lolol, greg!!!

Chaz said...

I don't know Gary, but hells yes it's funny. I hope he doesn't ever google the blog or anything.

Greg said...

Can you delete this thread?

Anonymous said...

whatcha gonna say when Gary says"I prayed about it and God said YES"?

Pryndana said...

That is sooo funny1

Anonymous said...

I don't know Mama, maybe tell him he needs a better connection? JK

Anonymous said...

oh Kelly, you always have the best, thats funny!

linnette said...

really? greg? do you want me to delete it? this blog isn't listed as being searchable.

Carol said...

This whole thing is a riot. I lol'ed. Sticky situation huh Greg? You could tell him, there just isn't any room at the Inn.

Greg said...


After Chaz's post, it made me think hmmmm maybe Gary could Google it. Oh well, then I wouldn't need tell him anything.

Greg said...


After Chaz's post, it made me think hmmmm maybe Gary could Google it. Oh well, then I wouldn't need tell him anything.

linnette said...


Anonymous said...

I remember him...black rimmed glasses, right?

linnette said...

I remember him as always being mischievous (as a kid). Is he still that way?

Greg said...

Remember when as a prank, he sent an ambulance to McPherson? The driver asked “where is the man that is on the floor holding his stomach?” We’ll he hasn’t changed too much. He was in prison in Texas for stealing his dad’s checkbook and writing a check for a car.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, and he actually has the nerve to ask if he can stay at your house? He just wants to case the joint.

Anonymous said...

What god were you praying to? Budha said "come on down!", as he laughed and rubbed his belly.

