July 21, 2006

Cute pics of Violet from the last couple days


These last three pictures here: I told Garrett to come and make her smile, because she really likes Garrett. So, he got behind me and talked to her, and this is the result.


Anonymous said...

What does she think of dolls? Does she react to them the same way she does children?

SoCalT said...

MY ANGEL!!!!!!!!!

SoCalT said...

she just keeps getting better and better..........

linnette said...

Yes, Neisha, she does. Alyssa got her a doll. She loves it. She was kissing it and kissing it. But, the doll doesn't say anything so she loses interest in it after a little while.

Greg said...

Those are the cutest pictures yet!

linnette said...

Vianne: You should create a new post and tell everyone about the situation with your neighbor. That would be some interesting reading.

linnette said...

Vianne: You should create a new post and tell everyone about the situation with your neighbor. That would be some interesting reading.

SoCalT said...

Look at the first two pictures. They really capture how happy she is all of the time. I love the little happy noises she makes.

linnette said...

oh, yes, Tavia. I know exactly what you mean.

