Of course, if we fail, it will be our own fault. John, you say, "Regardless of all that went wrong and the terrible expense in lives and suffering, I believe the goal, to liberate the Iraqi people, was wonderful." Yeah, John, the goal was great! The real tragedy is that even those with good intentions who argue the case for our military presence around the world never achieved their stated goals. Not only do the efforts fall short, the unintended consequences in life and limb and dollars spent are always much greater than ever anticipated. The blow-back effects literally go on for decades.
I'm very sorry to have to say it. But, just like Germany and Japan, were ahead in the early stages of World War II, the terrorists are winning in the early stages of World War III. That's because some people continue to deny such a war even exists. Even though people like me defined it years ago:
It simply amazes me that Americans can get so worked up over John Kerry's Vietnam War posture, when the real issue is how the Senator and President Bush will deal with World War III. The economy's important but nothing compared to the danger that Islamic fascists pose to all of us.
Now some other pundits are in agreement with me. And how could you disagree? From Somalia to Indonesia to India to Sweden to Canada, Islamic fascists are on the attack. The violence in Israel is just another campaign in the worldwide jihad.
But here in the USA and around the world, we are not united against that jihad. The far-left media refuses to confront the truth, preferring to blame America for all the trouble. Just today, radical left New York Times columnist Bob Herbert BLAMED THE CURRENT MIDDLE EAST VIOLENCE ON PRESIDENT BUSH.
Overseas, there is actual sympathy for the terrorists. In Belgium, demonstrators this weekend called for the "Israeli aggression to stop." In the United Kingdom, anti-Israel protests were held in 11 cities. The Muslim Association of Britain organized some of these demonstrations. In London thousands of pro-Hezbollah people gathered in Hyde Park. In France and in Iran, the picture was similar. Thousands of folks protesting against Israel.
Back in the USA, most people are condemning the Hezbollah attacks and backing Israel, but certainly not all. The bottom line is that the world is not united against terrorism and because of that the terrorists are winning. The American left is united in opposing every anti-terror action the Bush administration has taken. And the media day after day pounds home, not the danger that Islamic fascism poses to us, but the danger the Bush administration poses. Again, no way terrorism can be defeated with that kind of division.
So like Hitler and Tojo, the terrorists have gotten off to a fast start in this World War. And unless the world wises up, the terror killers will achieve even more victories. Believe me, the Iranian leadership believes it's winning, as does Bin Laden.
The world is once again blind to real danger. And unless the world wises up, more mass murder is inevitable.
The goals of this war, John? Let's see, what were the goals of the war in Iraq? Exactly why did we go to war with Iraq? What did the Bush administration give as the reason? It wasn't for these lofty goals you are describing. It was WEAPONS OF MASS DESCTRUCTION. And, as the whole world knows now, there were no WMD. And, over 2000 American servicepeople have died in Iraq, over 25,000 have been seriously injured. America's reputation in the Muslim world is ruined. The war's out-of-pocket cost to date is approximately $300 billion – every dollar borrowed from foreigners. When the reason given for the war proved to be false, Bush said that the reason for the invasion was to rid Iraq of a dictator and to put a democracy in its place. No government has been able to form. They cannot agree on anything. The country is on the brink of civil war. Sectarian militias control the streets. If it's just a great place now, why did Bush have to sneak into the country without ANYONE in the world knowing he was going there? Because he was afraid for his life.
When we went in to liberate the people of Iraq there were two possible outcomes:
1. Congratulations, you just won the Arab Germany; a country with enormous human talent and just a really bad leader.
2. Congratulations, you just won the Arab Yugoslavia.
Is Iraq the way Iraq is because Saddam was the way Saddam was? OR was Saddam the way Saddam was because Iraq was the way Iraq is – a country divided by Shites, Sunnis and Kurds and only capable of being held together ONLY by an iron fist……you have just removed the iron fist.
Yeah, and just because an election was held in Iraq does not make it a free, democratic country. Elections mean nothing. Elections are held today in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and in almost all of the dictatorships in the world. Even Saddam Hussein held regular elections, as did the Soviet Union, as does the US.
…..and the soccer moms of America continue to blaze around in their gas guzzling SUVs, completely oblivious. When their little boys are getting drafted and have to fight in the Middle East in about 10 years they will wonder why…..
Here is what we are up against, and what you Linnette align yourself with and defend.
Al-Jazeera broadcasts speech by group 2nd-in-command Al-Zawahri: 'War with Israel does not depend on ceasefires. It is Jihad for sake of God and will last until religion prevails from Spain to Iraq' In a taped message broadcast by al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahri, second in command to Osama bin Laden, said al-Qaeda now saw "all the world as a battlefield open in front of us." The Egyptian-born physician said the Hizbullah and Palestinian fighting against Israel would not be ended with "ceasefires or agreements."The war with Israel does not depend on ceasefires ... . It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... From Spain to Iraq," Al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere." Spain was controlled by Arab Muslims until they were driven from the country at the turn of the 16th century. A picture of the burning World Trade Center was on the wall behind him along with photos of two other militants. One appeared to be a bearded Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks. The other was Mohammed Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, a former top lieutenant of bin Laden who was killed in a US airstrike in Afghanistan in November 2001. Al-Qaeda broadcasts are thought to contain coded messages to members. Three of images on the screen - that of al-Zawahri and the pictures of al-Masri and what was believed to be Atta - were Egyptian. The Arab satellite broadcaster did not transmit the entire tape, using instead selected quotes interspersed with commentary from an anchor. "The shells and rockets ripping apart Muslim bodies in Gaza and Lebanon are not only Israeli (weapons), but are supplied by all the countries of the crusader coalition. Therefore, every participant in the crime will pay the price," Al-Zawahri said.
Al-Zawahri said Muslims everywhere must rise up to attack "crusaders and Zionists... and support jihad everywhere...until American troops are chased from Afghanistan and Iraq, paralyzed and impotent...having paid the price for aggression against Muslims and support for Israel."
Here is another article: Sheeple thought of the day: "Hezbollah is not my problem." You think Hezbollah is only Israel's headache? Wake up. Iranian Hezbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli's threat on Tuesday to dispatch 2,000 operatives "to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America's interests" is more than just idle Islamic heavy breathing. The Jew-hating terrorists of Hezbollah who call themselves the "party of God" are already in America, plotting attacks, raising money, slipping through the cracks. In May, the New York Post reported on Hezbollah's plans to activate sleeper cells in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Detroit as the nuclear showdown with Iran heats up. One focal point: "the Iranian Mission to the United Nations, where there have already been three episodes in the last four years in which diplomats and security guards have been expelled for casing and photographing New York City subways and other potential targets." Heightened alert follows reports Iran's crackpot President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with Hezbollah leaders in Syria earlier this year. Four years ago, I reported on how information-sharing walls between federal immigration and law enforcement agencies created a path to citizenship for at least one known Hezbollah member. He walked through our figurative front door. The then-assistant district director for INS investigations in New York City and two FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) officials were placed on administrative leave when the bungle was discovered. Sources informed me the unidentified Middle Eastern male -- now a fellow American -- appeared on terrorist watch lists and is a member of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. Despite numerous calls from adjudicators in Newark, N.J., handling the alleged terrorist's naturalization case, the FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service reportedly did not respond to requests to turn over the individual's "alien file." The A-file includes biographical and status information and investigative data. It is unclear why INS and the JTTF did not turn over the file, or why the New York office neglected to order the adjudications branch in Newark to put the naturalization process on hold. Why did INS adjudicators in Newark proceed without viewing the alleged terrorist's file? Adjudicators remain under intense pressure to meet naturalization "quotas." Job-performance ratings and cash bonuses are based on the number of naturalization approvals processed. It's standard operating procedure. Hezbollah has also enlisted the aid of gullible American women to ease their way into the country. Jessica Yolanda Fortune hooked up with Lebanon-born Chawki Youssef Hammoud in 1994. The marriage enabled him to obtain a green card -- and the cover to operate a Charlotte, N.C., cell that smuggled cigarettes to raise cash for Hezbollah. The terror cell reportedly answered to a senior Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon and was part of a broader North American network responsible for also obtaining dual-use technologies for Hezbollah -- including goggles, global positioning systems, stun guns, naval equipment, nitrogen cutters and laser range finders. Fortune was convicted of marriage fraud in October 2001. Hammoud was convicted of smuggling, credit-card fraud, money laundering and racketeering in June 2002. Fortune's brother-in-law, Mohammed Hammoud, married three different American women. After arriving in the U.S. on a counterfeit visa, being ordered deported and filing an appeal, he wed Sabina Edwards to gain a green card. INS officials refused him legal status after this first marriage was deemed bogus in 1994. He then married Jessica Wedel in May 1997, and while still wed to her, paid Angela Tsioumas to marry him in Detroit. Tsioumas entered a plea agreement in March 2002 on charges of conspiracy. Her "husband" was convicted on 16 counts that included providing material support to Hezbollah. A total of 25 people connected to the ring were nabbed. Does the name "Hammoud" sound familiar? Earlier this month, the FBI announced the capture of Assem Hammoud -- also a Lebanese-born Muslim like the members of the cigarette-smuggling Hammoud gang. He is suspected of working for al Qaeda on a plot to blow up PATH train tunnels between New Jersey and Lower Manhattan with a team of suicide bombers. The 1998 terrorism indictment of Osama bin Laden notes al Qaeda's forged alliances "with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah." Together, they've killed American servicemen and civilians around the world. Not in your backyard? Think again.
Yes, Greg, there are people that want to harm America. But, why? Well, according to your article, it's because of the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, aggression against Muslims, support for Israel [who has been occupying Palestinian land], etc. If only America would stay out of other countries' affairs. They don't want the US coming into their countries throwing its weight around — as it has in Afghanistan, the Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya, Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada, Guatemala, Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan, the Congo ... shall I go on? And, by the way, the stated objectives for invading these countries was never met.
The effort to bring peace and democracy to the world has been fruitless. And, in the process, the US has generated so much hatred that we live in fear. If you think the US can really bring democracy and freedom to the world, take a look at Iraq. But, if you think it is the US's role to go about toppling dictators and spreading freedom dust, then remember, you also choose the consequences. Hatred towards America, a bankrupt America, swelling the ranks of Al Queda and other radical organizations, dead and maimed (kidnapped, tortured) American servicepeople.
Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."
Washington said that the US must "Act for ourselves and not for others," by forming an "American character wholly free of foreign attachments."
Washington again: "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."
John Quincy Adams: "America . . . goes not abroad seeking monsters to destroy."
There would be no terrorism if the US would stop interfering in the internal affairs of Middle Eastern countries and if Israel stopped stealing the West Bank from the Palestinians. The Bush administration knows this, and that is why the administration spreads the propagandistic lie that "they" (Muslims) hate us and our way of life. This lie is the excuse for American aggression.
John says, The US “is now the lone super-power and has a responsible role to fill.” And, you say, that role is to promote freedom around the world. And, do you think the US was fulfilling that role when they invaded Iraq? You will say, “Yes, because Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant.” Was the US fulfilling that role when it allied with Hussein prior to 1991? Was the US fulfilling that role when it gave Hussein chemical weapons? Here is a political figure everyone seems to be unanimous in condemning as a brutal dictator: Saddam Hussein. Yet, the United States government supported Hussein, was instrumental in putting him into power in the first place and provided him with weapons, including chemical and biological. And, to this, you will say, “Well, sure we have made mistakes in the past.” Yes, and because of our mistakes in the past, our government has created ill will in many parts of the world. And, it has provoked attacks against America. Just because you think our intentions were good, does not matter. And, how can you be so sure that while America fulfills this role, that faulty policies will not continue and provoke more such attacks against Americans. Bombing foreign countries doesn't end terrorism, it provokes it.
Osama bin Laden said: "This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves." The fact that bin Laden uses bad means to achieve his ends doesn't excuse our own government's mistakes; nor does it justify our government doing the same things he does.
While smaller cars may reduce air pollution slightly (by burning less gasoline), they don't save lives. Reducing their size makes cars less safe. Bigger families need bigger cars. If you were broadsided, would you wish you were in an SUV or a small hybrid?
Hybrids are a good start. We didn't learn a thing from the 70's gas crisis. People started buying those big suv's and I knew there would be a major problem. It's true that a large family needs a bigger car but they don't need a big tank. Those big suv's will not be around long, big family or not. The Hummer is also a joke! The only people I see driving a Hummer now are young girls for some reason. In a year or so you will be able to buy one for CHEAP!
Of course, if we fail, it will be our own fault. John, you say, "Regardless of all that went wrong and the terrible expense in lives and suffering, I believe the goal, to liberate the Iraqi people, was wonderful." Yeah, John, the goal was great! The real tragedy is that even those with good intentions who argue the case for our military presence around the world never achieved their stated goals. Not only do the efforts fall short, the unintended consequences in life and limb and dollars spent are always much greater than ever anticipated. The blow-back effects literally go on for decades.
I'm very sorry to have to say it. But, just like Germany and Japan, were ahead in the early stages of World War II, the terrorists are winning in the early stages of World War III. That's because some people continue to deny such a war even exists. Even though people like me defined it years ago:
It simply amazes me that Americans can get so worked up over John Kerry's Vietnam War posture, when the real issue is how the Senator and President Bush will deal with World War III. The economy's important but nothing compared to the danger that Islamic fascists pose to all of us.
Now some other pundits are in agreement with me. And how could you disagree? From Somalia to Indonesia to India to Sweden to Canada, Islamic fascists are on the attack. The violence in Israel is just another campaign in the worldwide jihad.
But here in the USA and around the world, we are not united against that jihad. The far-left media refuses to confront the truth, preferring to blame America for all the trouble. Just today, radical left New York Times columnist Bob Herbert BLAMED THE CURRENT MIDDLE EAST VIOLENCE ON PRESIDENT BUSH.
Overseas, there is actual sympathy for the terrorists. In Belgium, demonstrators this weekend called for the "Israeli aggression to stop." In the United Kingdom, anti-Israel protests were held in 11 cities. The Muslim Association of Britain organized some of these demonstrations. In London thousands of pro-Hezbollah people gathered in Hyde Park. In France and in Iran, the picture was similar. Thousands of folks protesting against Israel.
Back in the USA, most people are condemning the Hezbollah attacks and backing Israel, but certainly not all. The bottom line is that the world is not united against terrorism and because of that the terrorists are winning. The American left is united in opposing every anti-terror action the Bush administration has taken. And the media day after day pounds home, not the danger that Islamic fascism poses to us, but the danger the Bush administration poses. Again, no way terrorism can be defeated with that kind of division.
So like Hitler and Tojo, the terrorists have gotten off to a fast start in this World War. And unless the world wises up, the terror killers will achieve even more victories. Believe me, the Iranian leadership believes it's winning, as does Bin Laden.
The world is once again blind to real danger. And unless the world wises up, more mass murder is inevitable.
And that's "The Memo."
The goals of this war, John? Let's see, what were the goals of the war in Iraq? Exactly why did we go to war with Iraq? What did the Bush administration give as the reason? It wasn't for these lofty goals you are describing. It was WEAPONS OF MASS DESCTRUCTION. And, as the whole world knows now, there were no WMD. And, over 2000 American servicepeople have died in Iraq, over 25,000 have been seriously injured. America's reputation in the Muslim world is ruined. The war's out-of-pocket cost to date is approximately $300 billion – every dollar borrowed from foreigners. When the reason given for the war proved to be false, Bush said that the reason for the invasion was to rid Iraq of a dictator and to put a democracy in its place. No government has been able to form. They cannot agree on anything. The country is on the brink of civil war. Sectarian militias control the streets. If it's just a great place now, why did Bush have to sneak into the country without ANYONE in the world knowing he was going there? Because he was afraid for his life.
But, John, don't lay low. Your commenting does not take away anybody else's chance to comment. There's room for everybody.
Yeah, no kidding John. Please don't lay low.
When we went in to liberate the people of Iraq there were two possible outcomes:
1. Congratulations, you just won the Arab Germany; a country with enormous human talent and just a really bad leader.
2. Congratulations, you just won the Arab Yugoslavia.
Is Iraq the way Iraq is because Saddam was the way Saddam was? OR was Saddam the way Saddam was because Iraq was the way Iraq is – a country divided by Shites, Sunnis and Kurds and only capable of being held together ONLY by an iron fist……you have just removed the iron fist.
Yeah, and just because an election was held in Iraq does not make it a free, democratic country. Elections mean nothing. Elections are held today in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and in almost all of the dictatorships in the world. Even Saddam Hussein held regular elections, as did the Soviet Union, as does the US.
…..and the soccer moms of America continue to blaze around in their gas guzzling SUVs, completely oblivious. When their little boys are getting drafted and have to fight in the Middle East in about 10 years they will wonder why…..
Here is what we are up against, and what you Linnette align yourself with and defend.
Al-Jazeera broadcasts speech by group 2nd-in-command Al-Zawahri: 'War with Israel does not depend on ceasefires. It is Jihad for sake of God and will last until religion prevails from Spain to Iraq' In a taped message broadcast by al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahri, second in command to Osama bin Laden, said al-Qaeda now saw "all the world as a battlefield open in front of us." The Egyptian-born physician said the Hizbullah and Palestinian fighting against Israel would not be ended with "ceasefires or agreements."The war with Israel does not depend on ceasefires ... . It is a Jihad for the sake of God and will last until (our) religion prevails ... From Spain to Iraq," Al-Zawahri said. "We will attack everywhere." Spain was controlled by Arab Muslims until they were driven from the country at the turn of the 16th century.
A picture of the burning World Trade Center was on the wall behind him along with photos of two other militants. One appeared to be a bearded Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks. The other was Mohammed Atef, also known as Abu Hafs al-Masri, a former top lieutenant of bin Laden who was killed in a US airstrike in Afghanistan in November 2001.
Al-Qaeda broadcasts are thought to contain coded messages to members. Three of images on the screen - that of al-Zawahri and the pictures of al-Masri and what was believed to be Atta - were Egyptian. The Arab satellite broadcaster did not transmit the entire tape, using instead selected quotes interspersed with commentary from an anchor.
"The shells and rockets ripping apart Muslim bodies in Gaza and Lebanon are not only Israeli (weapons), but are supplied by all the countries of the crusader coalition. Therefore, every participant in the crime will pay the price," Al-Zawahri said.
Al-Zawahri said Muslims everywhere must rise up to attack "crusaders and Zionists... and support jihad everywhere...until American troops are chased from Afghanistan and Iraq, paralyzed and impotent...having paid the price for aggression against Muslims and support for Israel."
Here is another article:
Sheeple thought of the day: "Hezbollah is not my problem."
You think Hezbollah is only Israel's headache? Wake up. Iranian Hezbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli's threat on Tuesday to dispatch 2,000 operatives "to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America's interests" is more than just idle Islamic heavy breathing.
The Jew-hating terrorists of Hezbollah who call themselves the "party of God" are already in America, plotting attacks, raising money, slipping through the cracks.
In May, the New York Post reported on Hezbollah's plans to activate sleeper cells in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Detroit as the nuclear showdown with Iran heats up. One focal point: "the Iranian Mission to the United Nations, where there have already been three episodes in the last four years in which diplomats and security guards have been expelled for casing and photographing New York City subways and other potential targets." Heightened alert follows reports Iran's crackpot President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with Hezbollah leaders in Syria earlier this year.
Four years ago, I reported on how information-sharing walls between federal immigration and law enforcement agencies created a path to citizenship for at least one known Hezbollah member. He walked through our figurative front door. The then-assistant district director for INS investigations in New York City and two FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) officials were placed on administrative leave when the bungle was discovered.
Sources informed me the unidentified Middle Eastern male -- now a fellow American -- appeared on terrorist watch lists and is a member of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. Despite numerous calls from adjudicators in Newark, N.J., handling the alleged terrorist's naturalization case, the FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service reportedly did not respond to requests to turn over the individual's "alien file." The A-file includes biographical and status information and investigative data. It is unclear why INS and the JTTF did not turn over the file, or why the New York office neglected to order the adjudications branch in Newark to put the naturalization process on hold.
Why did INS adjudicators in Newark proceed without viewing the alleged terrorist's file? Adjudicators remain under intense pressure to meet naturalization "quotas." Job-performance ratings and cash bonuses are based on the number of naturalization approvals processed. It's standard operating procedure.
Hezbollah has also enlisted the aid of gullible American women to ease their way into the country.
Jessica Yolanda Fortune hooked up with Lebanon-born Chawki Youssef Hammoud in 1994. The marriage enabled him to obtain a green card -- and the cover to operate a Charlotte, N.C., cell that smuggled cigarettes to raise cash for Hezbollah. The terror cell reportedly answered to a senior Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon and was part of a broader North American network responsible for also obtaining dual-use technologies for Hezbollah -- including goggles, global positioning systems, stun guns, naval equipment, nitrogen cutters and laser range finders.
Fortune was convicted of marriage fraud in October 2001. Hammoud was convicted of smuggling, credit-card fraud, money laundering and racketeering in June 2002. Fortune's brother-in-law, Mohammed Hammoud, married three different American women. After arriving in the U.S. on a counterfeit visa, being ordered deported and filing an appeal, he wed Sabina Edwards to gain a green card. INS officials refused him legal status after this first marriage was deemed bogus in 1994.
He then married Jessica Wedel in May 1997, and while still wed to her, paid Angela Tsioumas to marry him in Detroit. Tsioumas entered a plea agreement in March 2002 on charges of conspiracy. Her "husband" was convicted on 16 counts that included providing material support to Hezbollah. A total of 25 people connected to the ring were nabbed.
Does the name "Hammoud" sound familiar? Earlier this month, the FBI announced the capture of Assem Hammoud -- also a Lebanese-born Muslim like the members of the cigarette-smuggling Hammoud gang. He is suspected of working for al Qaeda on a plot to blow up PATH train tunnels between New Jersey and Lower Manhattan with a team of suicide bombers. The 1998 terrorism indictment of Osama bin Laden notes al Qaeda's forged alliances "with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah." Together, they've killed American servicemen and civilians around the world.
Not in your backyard? Think again.
Greg, of course we are up against that after all we have done to provoke it.
Greg, I'm laughing at my last comment because I just threw that out there and really don't know what I am talking about either way.
heeee heee heeeeeeeeeeeee!
But, it is a true statement, Tavia. You DO know what you are talking about.
Tavia, Don't listen to that enemy sympathizing mother of your's. You must come over to the right side before its to late. JK
Yes, Greg, there are people that want to harm America. But, why? Well, according to your article, it's because of the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, aggression against Muslims, support for Israel [who has been occupying Palestinian land], etc. If only America would stay out of other countries' affairs. They don't want the US coming into their countries throwing its weight around — as it has in Afghanistan, the Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Somalia, Libya, Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada, Guatemala, Indonesia, East Timor, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan, the Congo ... shall I go on? And, by the way, the stated objectives for invading these countries was never met.
The effort to bring peace and democracy to the world has been fruitless. And, in the process, the US has generated so much hatred that we live in fear. If you think the US can really bring democracy and freedom to the world, take a look at Iraq. But, if you think it is the US's role to go about toppling dictators and spreading freedom dust, then remember, you also choose the consequences. Hatred towards America, a bankrupt America, swelling the ranks of Al Queda and other radical organizations, dead and maimed (kidnapped, tortured) American servicepeople.
Jefferson's 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."
Washington said that the US must "Act for ourselves and not for others," by forming an "American character wholly free of foreign attachments."
Washington again: "The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."
John Quincy Adams: "America . . . goes not abroad seeking monsters to destroy."
Greg, I it is too late. I am over on the right side - my mom's side.
Please join us.
There would be no terrorism if the US would stop interfering in the internal affairs of Middle Eastern countries and if Israel stopped stealing the West Bank from the Palestinians. The Bush administration knows this, and that is why the administration spreads the propagandistic lie that "they" (Muslims) hate us and our way of life. This lie is the excuse for American aggression.
John says, The US “is now the lone super-power and has a responsible role to fill.” And, you say, that role is to promote freedom around the world. And, do you think the US was fulfilling that role when they invaded Iraq? You will say, “Yes, because Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant.” Was the US fulfilling that role when it allied with Hussein prior to 1991? Was the US fulfilling that role when it gave Hussein chemical weapons? Here is a political figure everyone seems to be unanimous in condemning as a brutal dictator: Saddam Hussein. Yet, the United States government supported Hussein, was instrumental in putting him into power in the first place and provided him with weapons, including chemical and biological. And, to this, you will say, “Well, sure we have made mistakes in the past.” Yes, and because of our mistakes in the past, our government has created ill will in many parts of the world. And, it has provoked attacks against America. Just because you think our intentions were good, does not matter. And, how can you be so sure that while America fulfills this role, that faulty policies will not continue and provoke more such attacks against Americans.
Bombing foreign countries doesn't end terrorism, it provokes it.
Osama bin Laden said: "This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves."
The fact that bin Laden uses bad means to achieve his ends doesn't excuse our own government's mistakes; nor does it justify our government doing the same things he does.
I pray to God everynight for my family, my country and all our world leaders to make the right decisions.
Ask yourself this one question...
W.W.J.D. - not What Would Jesus Do?
W.W.J.D. - What would Jesus Drive?
I can assure you it wouldn't be a gas guzzling / pollution making SUV
Jesus would drive a sensible car that gets great mileage like a hybrid! It would not polute the air and cause global warming!
Until you are part of the solution you are part of the problem...
Hybrids are the answer!
While smaller cars may reduce air pollution slightly (by burning less gasoline), they don't save lives. Reducing their size makes cars less safe. Bigger families need bigger cars. If you were broadsided, would you wish you were in an SUV or a small hybrid?
Hybrids are a good start. We didn't learn a thing from the 70's gas crisis. People started buying those big suv's and I knew there would be a major problem. It's true that a large family needs a bigger car but they don't need a big tank. Those big suv's will not be around long, big family or not. The Hummer is also a joke! The only people I see driving a Hummer now are young girls for some reason. In a year or so you will be able to buy one for CHEAP!
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