August 3, 2006

Lisa's Narrow Escape


SoCalT said...

I love those. She is so funny.

Anonymous said...

Hang on there girl!

Anonymous said...

That second picture is the cutest one I've EVER seen of Lisa! It's just darling!

Anonymous said...

these are so funny!

Lisa said...

Mom's funny, what she said: "hang on there girl!"

Thanks Neisha, for your little compliment.

And who's anonymous? Shew thyself, come out from hither.

Lisa said...

John, that's very sweet of you to say.

No, I wasn't in danger at all, I'm actually standing on the bottom of some steps that lead to the beach, so if I just kept walking, I'd end up in the water.

I want to go back there though, that was a fun day. Hear that, Linnette?

linnette said...

Yes, Lisa, it was fun. You can come anytime! Please do!

Lisa said...

OK, so let's plan on next Thursday, for sure, without a doubt!?

And while we're at it, we might as well make it Everybody Goes To The Beach Day. Come on down, even you Alyssa and Leo. lol. Get it? Eh? Eh?

