September 2, 2006

California passes ban on handheld cell phone use while driving

If Schwarzenegger signs the bill, then beginning Jan. 1, 2008, violators would face a $20 fine for a first offense and a $50 ticket for subsequent infractions. And, what are your views on this?


linnette said...

Of course, it is still legal to eat french fries, apply makeup, read the newspaper, tend to the baby, finish getting dressed, polish your nails, shave, look for a CD, read the map, etc. while driving.

linnette said...

"I think that it is a subject that a lot of people talk about because cell phones have been a bigger cause for traffic accidents and death than drunk driving," the governor said Wednesday.

Wow! Really? If using a cell phone causes more accidents than driving drunk, then shouldn't the punishment be greater for using a cell phone than having the wrong substance in your blood?

Greg said...

You said hand held cell phones, does that mean you can't have a cell phone with a headset? It makes all the difference in the world. I was once at a signal. It was red and I was on the phone. Without even thinking I almost pulled out into trafic on a red light. That day I got a head set for my phone and I've never been distracted like that. The extra effort of having to hold the phone up is one thing that can distract you, but with the headset its like talking to someone riding with you.

linnette said...

Greg realized that he was distracted by his cell phone, so he went and bought a headset. The heavy hand of the government was not needed.

Lisa said...

It's not a question of whether or not driving with handheld cell phones causes accidents or not. The questions is, "Is it really the job of government to save lives?"

All these suffocating safety laws are starting to make me feel VIOLATED AND HARRASSED. I think we should sue the government for weighing Americans down with an overabundance of laws. I've had it up to here! It's so uncomfortable for me to wear a damn seatbelt, and when it pulls really tight if I try to reach for something, I feel this anger come over me for having to wear it.

Along with all the safety laws, plus this new ban on handheld cell phones, plus the law they're trying to pass making it illegal to smoke in your car with children eight years old or younger, it's not making me safe, it's making me crazy! I might as well kill myself.

Lisa said...

Oh, that's a relief... So that means I can go ahead and do it without fear of getting arrested? Now I feel safe.

Lisa said...

By the way, it's not Jan. 1, 2007 that the handheld cell phone bill will go into effect, but July 1, 2007. At least that what I read in the paper yesterday morning.

Lisa said...

Nope, it's not July 2007 after all, it's JULY 2008. That's my final answer.

