TRDSUVNUAEO LICSONSUE These words are not related. For some reason, every time I press "enter" on keyboard, to start new line, it suddenly scrolls down to bottom of page, as if I'm ready to Publish Post or Save as Draft. Just telling you so you'll know that's why the two words are next to each other. One more thing: Don't worry, there's no extra letters or missing letters in either words.
I know, I was kind of thinking the same thing, like a common phrase or song title, huh?
I've got the first word, but not the second. So, are you sure you have all the letter in the second word and no extra letters? And, is it a word with which I am familiar? In the meantime, I'll keep trying to get that second word.
Yes, all the letters are there and there's no extra letters.
I haven't gotten the first one of your two words, either, and it's been driving me crazy. But sometimes when you take a break from trying and come back to try again, suddenly you have it, so that's what I'm hoping will happen...
Lisa, I know the first word. The second word is perplexing me. Is it a common word?
Okay, Lisa, I've spent all this time trying to figure out the second word. To no avail. The first word is adventurous. The second word -- can't come up with a thing after trying and trying and trying. Then I asked you to make sure all the letters are correct. You said that they are. So, I tried and tried and tried again and again. Just now, I told Garrett to put the letters into an anagrammer and see if it comes up with a word that uses ALL the letters. I didn't look at the results. But, he said it didn't come up with a word that uses all those letters. Now, maybe he made a mistake. I asked him to make sure he had entered all the letters correctly. He said that he did. So, is he wrong? Or did you make a mistake in typing the letters to be unscrambled. I have spent so much time on it. If you did not make a mistake, then I will figure it out. But, please make sure it is right, okay?
Linnette, I've made sure that ALL the letters are there, and that there are NO letters missing. Several times. So, it is what it is.
I had no idea that it would be such a difficult word, and yes, it is common! That's really strange that Garrett couldn't find it in the anagrammer! I will find an anagrammer in Google and try it.
OK, I found an anagrammer, and the word comes up, so there you have it...
If you want me to give you a hint, let me know.
I bet after you get it, you'll either wonder, or understand, why it was so tough. You think?
Okay, cool. I'll keep trying. Yeah, I'm sure I'll think: Why was that so hard? But, if it's a word, then I'm back to work.
okay, i got it -- NUCLEOSIS !!
Not really! Nucleosis works, but I don't know if that is a word. So, the word is SECLUSION. FINALLY!
Yes!! I'm so glad you got it!
thank you, lisa!
Linnette, sometimes you say I'm cute, but you're the one who's cute this time. You took the time to say Thank you Lisa! I like that.
Thank you, Lisa! JK
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