Hmmm, this is a hard one. A few times I thought I had it, but then there's one letter left, and it keeps getting in my way. Could you please take it out? jk
OK, I haven't come back to try unscrambling this word since my last comment, in case you were wondering what's taking me so long.
Just so you know. For what it's worth. If the shoe fits. Whichever way the feathers fly. Only if Mama's on the train. As well you might. Be that as it may. Not to change the subject. As luck would have it. Glory be. Ain't it something. My oh my, girl how you've grown! Party on. Peace. Out.
Are you SURE the letters are right? You're not playing a trick on me, are you? Because I think I've got it if you ARE, but if you're not, then I need to keep trying,
OK, I'm on it...
Just an afterthought: Is this a common word?
See, I must use forethought. lol
Hmmm, this is a hard one. A few times I thought I had it, but then there's one letter left, and it keeps getting in my way. Could you please take it out? jk
keep trying
OK, I haven't come back to try unscrambling this word since my last comment, in case you were wondering what's taking me so long.
Just so you know. For what it's worth. If the shoe fits. Whichever way the feathers fly. Only if Mama's on the train. As well you might. Be that as it may. Not to change the subject. As luck would have it. Glory be. Ain't it something. My oh my, girl how you've grown! Party on. Peace. Out.
Are you SURE the letters are right? You're not playing a trick on me, are you? Because I think I've got it if you ARE, but if you're not, then I need to keep trying,
FUNNY, FUNNY LISA TRAINOR! Really, you are funny. All your cliches. Maybe we could play a game using cliches in some way. Try to think of one.
Yes, the letters are correct.
Let me know if you want a hint.
go ahead and give me another one to unscramble. i like these.
OK, that will be fun, I already have an idea.
OK, I'll put two new scrambled words on a new post, so everyone can play.
Just so you know. For your information. Not that it matters. Win some, lose some. As I was saying... jk!!
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