September 1, 2006

Violet from August 31 -- 8 1/2 months old


Anonymous said...

Precious. She looks so happy, doesn't she? She'll be walking in no time.

Anonymous said...

Violet is growing up toooooooooo fast! Cant get any prettier!

SoCalT said...

I saw her yesterday. IT MADE MY DAY. She is so special. So sweet.

The waiter was going crazy over her. He told her "you are the cutest baby in the world."

She generates quite a large audience.

linnette said...

Well, when I was with her on Thursday, she was in her stroller and we were walking down to PCH. She was screaming a high-pitched scream because then I would say, "Stop scaring me!" And, she would think that was funny. So, other people would hear her scream, look over to see what was wrong and then see the big smile on her face. I heard one lady say to another, "Oh, look, at that happy baby!" A construction worker was nearby and he screamed too, then laughed.

Anonymous said...

get this password crap of of here and post more Violets and family pictures,just kidding!!

linnette said...

play password with us, mom!

