New York's 18,000 restaurants would have to stop cooking with trans fats, blamed for increasing the risk of heart disease, under regulations proposed by the city's Health Department. The proposal gives city restaurants six months to switch to healthier oils, margarines or shortening that contribute less than a half-gram of trans fat per serving. What say you?
Oh my, I am so thankful for the Health Dept....Just kidding
I know, I heard about that! So what's next, the meat must be well done on all hamburgers?
Funny comment, Mom!
No way. He's kidding. Come on now, Linnette, how convenient to use Bob's name so you can stir up the pot of opinions and get a good debate going. Tell me that wasn't really Bob's comment. Please. !
What about all the cokes and cheese burgers? Almost anything you buy is junk fund . I agree its all bad, dont buy it, dont eat it.
Soft drinks are killers!
No, Lisa. It's really Bob's comment. I agree this stuff is bad, too. And, I agree with Mom, don't buy it, don't eat it. And, I can do that without the government interfering. I can choose not to eat at a restaurant that serves unhealthy food. Or I can choose something else from the menu. However, if I WANT to buy it and I WANT to eat it, then that's my business! And, if a restaurant WANTS to serve it, then that is THEIR business. Now, when is the government going to make sure all Americans get up early in the morning and do their daily exercises? Should that be legislated, too?
I sure hope not. Ha.
I am waiting for my personal trainer to knock at the door. When will that be?
To Bob: I think government is too big as it is. Why give it more power?
When you get the idea that government ought to do something, remember: you're talking about the same government that's been so inefficient and incompetent in every other area. Don't traffic jams on government roads inconvenience you? How many times have I heard you complain about the inadequate freeway system? Would you buy an annuity from an insurance company run like Social Security? Has the war on drugs reduced the amount available on the streets of our cities? The government can't even keep drugs out of the prisons.
Well, that's the same government you ask to do your bidding — protect you and other people from trans fats.
We should never forget the simple truth: government doesn't work. It doesn't matter whether a new program is supposed to achieve something you want or something you don't want. Government doesn't work, and no new program will work better than the failed programs of the past. It's the same government, the same politicians, the same attempt to achieve social ends by forcing people to do what they don't want to do.
Not everything in the free market works, but most things that survive do work — while everything government touches turns out badly. So if you're opposed to you and other people eating trans fats, you'd better find a free-market way of dealing with it, because government will only disappoint you.
How do you figure the government will disappoint Bob? Bob said he wants the transfat taken out of the food served at restaurants, etc. The government is going to make a law to make sure the transfats are not used. Bob will be glad about that, not disappointed.
Just two things to say here:
First, good points, Harry! Ooops, I mean Linnette!
Second, you're right Neisha: Government "protection" of the public's health may work for Bob, but what a pity that he can't see the dangers in giving goverment a "thumb's up" on issues that should be none of government's business!
Let's just hope that Bob never gets cancer and tries to find an alternative treatment for it (such as laetrile), or that he never gets a serious disease and needs to get medicinal marijuana to alleviate the symptoms.
next thing they'll be taking our dope
All I can say is, thank goodness for methodone treatment centers! lol
The notion of any government anywhere trying to control what any person smokes, eats, or drinks is stupefying and totalitarian.
Ain't that the truth, Gertie Mae!
Trans Fat Prohibition. I'm going to open up a Trans Fat Speakeasy in NYC. Best fries in town will have to be by word of mouth.
As long as they don't touch my booze again, I'll be fine with any regulations.
I hope they still taste the same.
Right on, John!
Yes, that's good news, and it'll mean that they'll probably get a lot more business because they decided to omit trans-fat. But they made the decision themselves, the government didn't do it for them, and that's how the free market should work, if it's going to work at all: Businesses work on improving their product and/or services so that consumers buy from them. Competiton is the best regulator of business, not government.
Thanks, and have a nice day...
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