November 24, 2006


I started a new blog after Linnette suggested it, but never intended for it to show up here! And it wasn't supposed to act the way it does either. In fact, it doesn't look right, and I hate it. Bad blog. Dumb.


linnette said...

What do you mean, show up here? Don't get it.

linnette said...

lisa, when you log in you can see all the blogs that you a member of. but, nobody else can see it.

linnette said...

but, if i click on your name, i can see your blogs.

Lisa said...

First, in response to Linnette's comments: Do you mean that you guys didn't see my blog today when you went to this one? When I clicked on Trainor Place, like I always do, my blog was right there with Trainor Place and Trainor's Speak Out. So I thought everybody else saw it too.

I started the blog last night, but I should have planned it better - I mean, I should have planned it. Period. Instead, I just kind of clicked Create Blog, chose a template, and started typing. lol, Funny, huh?

John, the link is but there's not much to see. I like the template though.

linnette said...

John, you are telling people to start a blog, so you start one, too. Let's see, what could it be about. Hey, I have an idea. How about a diary, or a journal of the day's events there at Carol's. That would be good. That would be interesting. Sort of a reality show, only a blog instead. Like tell about the Lola problems. Tell about the little tiff you and I had the other night. Then I could contribute and tell my side of the story. And, then Carol, etc. That would be so much fun! So funny, too. It could be a forum to get your grievances out in the open. And, anything goes. Come on, John, start it. I bet everybody would be interested in it. You could name it "Life at 901 Dolly" or "Reality 901" or "Triple T" or something else. I can't wait. Come on, start it now.

Lisa said...

Triple T? Meaning the three Trainors, John, Carol, and Linnette? What about me? I come over there sometimes too, you know. And that's when it gets exciting, not when it's just you three with your silly goings-on with Lola.

Just kidding!

linnette said...

yes, lisa, of course, you, too! John, you could just start it and see how it goes.

linnette said...

not a bad idea, john. propose it to blogger.

