November 27, 2006


Anonymous said...


Drew said...

The plane has not crashed into the mountain. Tavia Cantarini is my special lady friend. I'm just helping her blog, man. Don't be afraid.

The real question is what was Bush getting when he fooled all those guys into thinking they were working for Bin Laden? Was the #1 motive going after Saddam Hussein for trying to kill his Daddy? Or is that merely a clever decoy?

Drew said...

I just realized my answer left out some details about whom, exactly I am. My sincere apologies for the oversight.

I'm Drew (short for Andrew). 6'1" 185 lbs brown hair, blue eyes. My ancestors arrived to NYC from Great Britain sometimes in the late 1700’s and set up shop. I carry on that dude’s name. But I'm from Arkansas and while I know who Bill Clinton is, I haven’t met him personally. Let’s get that out of the way.

I'm a Sagittarius with Scorpio characteristics I’ve been told. I enjoy long walks on the beach with Tavia, chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven with a tall glass of milk and playing the guitar, poorly. Currently I reside in the burb of Canoga Park where I am employed by a flat panel TV manufacturer; managing their supply chain. I travel frequently across the domestic United States and Canada and have recently been to China, thrown out of China, and almost blown up in China, but those are different posts. I sometimes slip in and out of the following mental deficiencies, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, schizophrenia or experience the occasional acid flash back. The Shrinks all say I’m perfectly harmless.

So I’m a catch. Everyone congratulate Tavia.

Thanks for letting me post. I’d just like to thank Tavia for the ideas, she is my muse.

linnette said...

You're very funny, Drew. Very funny. Now about the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I wouldn't put anything past any government leaders, even (or especially) the great United States of America. However, the 9/11 attacks were synchronized and executed almost perfectly, so that should tell you something. I have watched a couple of the conspiracy videos, "Loose Change," available on the Internet. And, they raise some valid points. But still it is all speculation and most likely impossible to prove. So, there is not sufficient evidence to convince me. But, if in the future we find out that it really was a conspiracy by our own government to get people in the mood for war (or whatever reason), then I would not be shocked. The US government has been underhanded, lying, and deceitful in the past. Google "Operation Northwoods."

Anonymous said...

All these conspiracy theories have two basic problems. One, they believe the government is competent. And, two, they believe the government can keep a secret.

linnette said...

Right on, Mr. Clarke. Thank you for joining our blog.

linnette said...

Now, why don't we discuss Pearl Harbor. Did FDR know we were about to be attacked? Did he provoke the Japanese?

Drew said...

Wasn’t it the Germans that bombed Pearl Harbor?

Seriously though, our government has a penchant for covert behavior and cover ups and shouldn’t be underestimated. That’s just what they want you to think (that they couldn’t pull it off). Nixon had Watergate, Reagan had Iran-Contra, Clinton had Whitewater, Bush has 9/11. They all get away with the exception of Nixon but he still walked. He was too arrogant. They all learned from him. The USA Today headline today says Bush isn’t pulling out of Iraq until the job is done. Great, so we got that going for us.

I don’t think it’s all that far fetched that they could execute a plan of this proportion. It’s certainly easy enough to muck it up in the media so that any reasonable strand of evidence is poo-poo’d. As a matter of fact, I’d bet the US Government is probably one of the only entities in the world that could execute such a mission. If you really think about it you just set the plan, key in on a few people to execute it and make sure the right heads are turned in the right directions. Make everyone disappear. No witnesses anywhere. Just smoldering rubble and ashes.

No, what we have to go with is our gut feeling. And my gut feeling is this is dirty. I see it now. Larry Silverstein, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden are all sitting around a table playing poker. Texas Hold em, of course. There’s an oil painting of dogs playing poker on the wall above the fireplace and lots of guns and guards around. They’re discussing long term policies and drinking heavily. George slips to the bathroom and comes back sniffling. Cheney, who’s drank way too much Scotch starts waving his pistola around. They learned long ago to take away Dick’s bullets which is good because the incessant click, click, click of the hammer hitting the empty chambers radiates through the room. As the evening progresses they devise a plan in which Silverstein can get rid of that old WTC eye sore, Bush can start a war and tweak the constitution real quick, Cheney can clean up entire countries and make kazillions. The Saudi’s get to raise oil prices and Saddam gets toppled and is used as the scapegoat to appease the masses. Someone has to hang and Saddam passed out during that part of the conversation.

Do you see?

linnette said...

Have you checked out "Operation Northwoods"? It is a conspiracy our government was planning in 1962. It was not implemented but it had the written approval of the Chairman [Lemnitzer] and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro...." The documents became unclassified in 1997. The objective was to set Castro up as a terrible guy so that the US could attack him. So, the 9/11 conspiracy theory is not so farfetched. For instance, why did Building 7 fall? It wasn't hit by a plane.

Lisa said...

First, just want to say that Drew is very entertaining, and if he's good-looking too, then I'm sold. jk. He doesn't have to be good-looking. If Tavia likes him, then he's OK by me. So I give a thumb's up.

Next, I think this post a mighty fine one, but my attention span can't keep up with the technicalities of the subject. (Did that make sense?) The bottom line is, I prefer to stick with principles, opinions, and "surface" facts. For instance, -- I gotta go, my dog's in heat and there's three big ROtwweiler's trying to get at her right now -- carry on, folks.

linnette said...

get her spayed immediately

Drew said...
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Drew said...

Facts, who needs facts when its much funner to speculate.

I will research Operation Northwoods. I am surprised I never heard of it. That is right up my alley.

linnette said...

Check out the folk song I wrote under the Wal-mart topic.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the first comment,inquiring who is Drew.
What area of Arkansas are you from?
Im curious as I have been there.

Drew said...

Anonymous - Northwest Arkansas, Bentonville to be exact.

Lisa said...

Well, it turns out that those Rotweiller's weren't even interested in my dog -- they wanted ME! jk

Drew said...

Is it a waste of time because we’ll never know or a waste of time because of the topic? If it is the latter, consider Linnette’s point about building 7. Bldg 4, 5 & 6 remained standing despite all the falling debris, right? Sort of funky. It is a valid query, right? Maybe worth a little debate?

I think you see the potential here, I can work with that. Northwoods is exactly what I’m talking about. The Pentagon argument also appeals to me. We should add to that list with your Building 7 point. The security camera doesn’t show a plane and the damage isn’t consistent with leveling the WTC. Plus how could a plane fly in at that angle?

That’s what great about this debate. No matter what, the facts don’t matter. The evidence has been polluted. We’re on our own to figure out what is credible and what was planted to confuse us. It’s whatever feels right and probably what is ultimately most logical. The Rotweiller situation is a tough one. No comment.

Anything else you need to know? Do you think that just perhaps, Flight 93 was shot down by US fighter jets and that the hi-jacking was created in a sound stage? Like the moon landing.

Drew said...

Michel Chossudovsky in an article entitled "The Criminalization of the State" suggests a simple motive in a plan for a New World Order. This particular theory takes root in a David Rockefeller Statement to the United Nations Business Council in September 1994: We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.[138]

Lisa said...

Well OK, I'll try to hang in there. Let's see, what do I theorize about the 911 chain of events. Aw, that fateful day. Was it a conspiracy... Or was it just a plot. If it was a conspiracy, then that would explain why Bush acted so unsurprised when he was initially informed about it, in that elementary school classroom, and just sat there. If it was a plot, however, then no wonder he looked like he'd just received the most shocking piece of information and didn't know what to do with it or about it.


linnette said...

Project for a New American Century (PNAC). That's the group made up of Bush Faction heavy hitters – Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Scooter Libby, Elliot Abrams, Stephen Cambone, Brother Jeb and others – who in September 2000 laid out the blueprint that George W. followed faithfully once he acquired the presidency.

This plan, long pre-dating 9/11, included astronomical hikes in the military budget; invading Iraq and establishing a "permanent role" for a "substantial American force presence in the Gulf"; planting a "worldwide network of forward operating bases"; gutting arms control treaties; and making "regime change" a primary focus of American policy. The PNAC plan did note that it could take decades to get the American people to accept these "revolutionary" changes; unless, of course, the United States was struck by "some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

That is a direct quote from their document and you can see it for yourself. Follow this link: RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf

(There is no space between "org/" and "Rebuilding...")

Drew said...

Boo-yah that's it! You found the bloody, fire scortched string which we must slowly pull to unravel the truth about the path we're being led as a society. Hacking through the horse hockey until we get to the sane parts.

New World Order, martial law, cannibilism, dogs and cats living together! It's part of their plan. This may be worse that I thought. I gotta go read that link. Thanks Linnette.

Lisa, is your dog attack trained? Does she like cats?

Anonymous said...

It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...

Drew said...
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Anonymous said...

"I am the walrus"?

Lisa said...

Do you mean, does my dog know not to attack other animals/people? Yes, she does. She's harmless. Very loving. Very smart. She got together with Lola, Carol's snippety, feisty little Chuwawa (incorrect spelling, I know) the other night, and they played the night away. It was so cute! My dog's Chow/German Shepherd.

I think she thinks cats are toys or something, but once she gets close to one face to face, she's scared when it hisses. Go figure.

I know you're not asking because you're interested in my dog, but because you're trying to tie all this in with the 911 conspiracy thing, but you asked, so I told you.

Anonymous said...

OK, OK. No more Dogg talk.

But uh, back to the lecture at hand.

Lisa said...

OK, no more "dogg" talk here, but for those of you who love their pets and want to share stories, come on over to my blog, and we'll strike up a conversation on the Pet Page about whose got the best. Just kidding. I mean, you can come to my blog, but there's nothing there about pets. Yet.

Drew said...

Perfect Lisa, as long as she knows to go for the groin the compound will be safer. I could have gone without the cat part of the story. the mental image takes away from the fierceness I was going for. But that's OK. I like dogs.

Anonymous - I agree, back to the topic. Thanks for keeping us on track. We'll try to do better.

Linnette - The evidence you present just further reinforces the consipracy theory. Your research skills are marvelous. I can't see how anyone could deny the probability that it was an inside job. All the arrows are pointing to the grassy knoll.

Donnie - Shut the @#*&% Donnie. You're out of your element. V.I. Lenin; Vladimir Ilich Lenin, not John!

Drew said...

Yay ME!

Drew said...

John, you're right, I agree with you in principle. It was a genuine attack. At least the perps thought it was a legitimate attack. I assert the CIA set up an operation duping some poor schmucks into thinking they were carrying out jihad on the US. They’d swallow hook line and sinker and wouldn’t even question the terms of the operation which were probably very secretive and poison pill type stuff. No one saw the leader and probably they ate the notes when they were done. I’ll bet most of the players blew up or have already disappeared Vince Foster style. Bill and Hillary were always so clean. Bush learned from them.

Drew said...

Wellllll, Bin Laden was at the poker game.........

The more entertaining the better. Bin Laden was a friend of the Bush family. We did support him at one time.

Entertaining and Plausible - That's what I maybe think.

Drew said...

This is a controversial subject that some people must have closure with. In order to have that they must have an understanding in their mind why it happened and who is responsible. These people need closure and are control freaks. To consider that their understanding of the series of events is wrong would bring chaos to their mental state. It's too painful or unfathomable for whatever reason. To others it’s just easier to just eat what they’re fed than to think outside the box. The final category has bought into the terrorist theory so deeply that to admit it is weak argument at this point in the game would mean they’d have to admit they’re wrong. Those are the really nasty ones to debate with.

Seriously I think I believe we'll never know the truth rather than I believe in any one specific conspiracy. That is what makes it fun. (Not the actual death and dying, to your earlier point).

Here are some links to explore.

