December 17, 2006

Countdown to American Idol

The wait is almost over. The premiere of American Idol will be a 2-Night 4-Hour event. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 16th and 17th, starting at 8 p.m. on FOX.

Less than a month till the Season Premiere!


Drew said...

The auditions are the only part I ever watch.
Now that is quality TV programming right there.

But John, I have to say it…… the commercials man, I can’t stand the freaking commercials. They just inundate one after the other on and on and on and then Seacrest taunts us with his tepid B.S. I feel like I’m being brainwashed. I have 25 of the same Fantasia cd’s in a box in the corner of my closet. They’re all unopened, don’t know why I bought them or why they are even there.

That’s just weird I tell ya.

Drew said...

John, the human mind is not conditioned to withstand that much freaking programming. It just isn’t natural. I mean, seriously those are a lot of commercials. It’s borderline brainwashing. I close my eyes and see Coke logos. I hate Coke but I find myself selecting it when Pepsi is right beside it! That ain’t right.

My Mom tells a story about one time she was a girl she went to a theater. And she always hated popcorn. But as the movie played she got a strange craving for it. Seemingly everyone else did too because the line at the counter was very long.

Later she tells that she was watching a news program like 60 Minutes that talked about subliminal advertising and it exposed some theaters were experimenting with flashing small clips in between frames. It was very controversial but it shows that they were thinking about it. Think of what they’re doing today.

Mom scared the crap out of me with that story.

Parent’s tell your kids, “Don’t fall for marketing hype and gimmicks”.

SoCalT said...

Drew, Drew,

This is funny:

".. I feel like I’m being brainwashed. I have 25 of the same Fantasia cd’s in a box in the corner of my closet. They’re all unopened, don’t know why I bought them or why they are even there. "

Drew said...

I'm just sayin,.......

linnette said...

I can't stand the commericials either. Anything I watch, I record first. Then fastforward through the commercials. It's the ONLY way to watch TV.

linnette said...

Fantasia cd's.....lololol

linnette said...

I don't even like country music, but Carrie Underwood, i try to find everything i can about her on the internet.

linnette said...

not really

