December 14, 2006

Do you own yourself?

(Do you own your own body?)


Drew said...

Linnette, now that is a debate for a blog! It just depends on if you like alcohol, trans fat, nicotine, THC, pain, eroticism or any other ism’s. The control freaks must impose their will upon us because of their belief we aren’t able to think for ourselves. Their mission is to save us from ourselves. I hate those people.

Did you see where Dr. Kevorkian is due to be released in June at age 78? He’s promised he won’t kill anymore people if they just let him go. He claims to have assisted 130 suicides. He is serving 10-25 for the assisted suicide that was shown on 60 Minutes in 1998.

Then there are the Weed Mongers. I suggest renting the movie “Grass”. You can get it on Netflix. It provides a pretty good history of the propaganda being fed to us about pot.

American cigarette smokers have been turned into second class citizens over the last decade and all those legislating non-smokers should be ashamed for coming down so hard on individual rights.

I could go on. I’d like to say we own our bodies but we don’t. That is clear. It’s an illusion. As long as you’re pumping in tax revenue you are owned.

Drew said...

John, thank you for your kind words. Yes, my point is more focused on actual ownership or “title” to your body. The government is regulating our behaviors more and more. Next thing you know it’s Soylent Green” for breakfast lunch and dinner.

As a comment on the spiritual part of your comment, I understand the body is a temple but it’s not like we’re exchanging them like Coke bottles when we die.

It’s still no deposit no return.


Anonymous said...

One of the greatest bumper stickers I remember read "If the rapture is today, somebody better grab my steering wheel".

Now that is optimism.

