December 20, 2006

Giant Rabbit

According to the BBC, the rabbit's name is Herman and lives with his owner in Berlin, Germany. German Giants are domestic rabbits. They do not exist in the wild and can live as long as 12 years. The BBC says that Herman can eat a bale of hay per week.

He weighs in at 22 pounds and measures a little over 3 feet. This is his owner, Hans Wagner, struggling to hold him up.

We don't feed him an unusual diet, said Wagner. His favorite food is actually lettuce...he can never get enough of it. Look at those feet!


Drew said...

Jumpin Jehosaphat that is one big bunny. After a little research on Google I found a site dedicated to exposing the German Giant Lucky Rabbits Foot trade. Apparently in the slums of Europe these giant furry feet are in demand. Sometimes a really big foot will rake in $1500-$2000 US dollars.

The problem is the traders harvest the feet, but only take one foot off the rabbit (they use little guillotines). The Poor German Giant Bunnies end up pushing themselves around in circles wearing all the fur off one side of their bodies. That limits their usage in the rabbit fur coat trade.

So the Giant Bunny Foot Preservation Association (GBFPA) holds fund raisers to raise money to hire veterinarians to make and attach prosthetic legs to the stricken German Giants. But really I think that the deterrent should be with the people that actually drive the trade. It is the peasants spending a year’s salary to chase the belief that a big rabbit foot is lucky or something. Everybody knows you have to find a leprechaun and follow him to the gold. Or win the lottery. Coulda bought a ton of scratchers with that money.

Sufferin succotash

SoCalT said...


Drew said...

I want his feet before we go to Vegas.

Pryndana said...

Were do I get one.

Anonymous said...

Herman makes Peter Cotton Tail look like a pussy.

