April 14, 2007



Lisa said...

Now THAT'S funny...

linnette said...

The old saying, "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me," is definitely not true. One of the Rutger players was quoted as having said "this has scarred me for life."

Anonymous said...

nice point linnette. who cares about the ugliest dude in the world slinging insults?

let's all insult him and stop whining.

linnette said...

One thing about this is that it was not the government that interfered and got him fired. It was certain people (e.g., Sharpton) inciting others to put the pressure on the advertisers to yank their ads, which gave the networks no choice but to fire him. These people, Sharpton and others, had a right to express themselves and put pressure on these advertisers. We may not agree with their tactics or opinions, but they have a right to express themselves just as Imus had a right to express himself. The right to express yourself on the radio does not mean that you have the right to keep your job if your employers want to fire you. The advertisers have a right to pull their commercials, the networks have a right to fire Imus. Sharpton, et al, got what they wanted and there was no need for the heavy hand of the government.

If you think I am wrong about the above comments, let me know. Maybe I am.

HOWEVER, I know that Sharpton and his likes WANT the FCC to start policing the airwaves. And, this incident is just the excuse they were waiting for. Under the Sharpton view of what the FCC should be able to do, perhaps under a Fairness Doctrine, bureaucrats would have the power to order Imus or his employers to grant air time to members of the Rutgers squad. Now, THAT is wrong!

linnette said...


Is it just me or has this whole "nappy headed hos" thing been blown completely out of proportion? It's one thing if MSNBC and CBS want to fire Imus over it---they're the bosses, they can do what they want. BUT, for everyone to demand apology from Imus for saying what he thinks is so dumb. (Especially, when you know he's not really sorry in the first place. He's only saying sorry because he stands to lose a whole lot of money.) So what if he thinks those girls are 'nappy headed hos." He's no one. I agree, what he said was not nice. But, so what? Haven't we taken the politically correct thing too far?

Personally, I don't care about Imus. He's like Tom Lycus and Rush Limbaugh. All just a bunch of guys full of hot air, and in my opinion not worth listening to. However, they all have their opinions...just like everyone else.

Aren't we teaching our children to be weak and to think they have a right never to hear anything that offends them? Shouldn't we be teaching our children to be stronger than that? Shouldn't we be teaching our children that people can say mean and hateful things, and though we don't like it, they have a right to say it anyway? I say yes.

Why do people feel so threatened by someone's opinion?

I just don't get it.

linnette said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

What's PSA?

SoCalT said...

Public Service Announcement

I didn't know either, I had to ask Drew.

linnette said...

Carol is really into this Imus thing.

SoCalT said...

IS SHE? Carol, what are your thoughts? Please post here in the comment section so we can all get involved.

Anonymous said...

Tavia, what are your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Drew why do you plague this nice blog with your political b.s.? This blog is for family fun stuff and not this old news. Are you old news yet?

linnette said...

Who is anonymous? This blog is for everyone to share whatever is on their minds, whether it be family fun stuff, political views, etc. Personally, I enjoy hearing everyone's opinions on different topics. We want to hear your views, too, anonymous.

SoCalT said...


Drew will never be "old news" and if you actually knew him, you wouldn't ask that.

Family fun stuff? The last time I checked, everyone in this family loves a good political debate. We debate! It is what our family does for fun! Drew fits right in.

I'm sick of hearing people complain about what is on this blog. Isn't it funny, everyone keeps coming back? Why is it that all of the political posts The Federal Reserve, the Atomic Bomb debate....etc, (which if you notice, Drew did not start) are the posts with the most hits?

Why do you think it is up to you to decide what should and shouldn't be on this blog? Have you ever noticed that my mom, the blog administrator, is the one who sparks most of the political debates and keeps them going? Don't be so selective if you want to point out people for bringing up politics. Search through the archives, you will see that this "nice family blog" had political debates going long before Drew was even a member.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

two snaps and a amen sista.

linnette said...

funny neisha

Anonymous said...

I don't care to know who wrote about Drew. I just want to bring up the point that why would you want to hurt anyone's feelings by that statement, anonymous, and make him feel bad?

How about an apology?

Lisa said...

Yeah. So there.

