May 24, 2007

Bill Maher on Ron Paul


Carol said...

I watched it. Only wished Ron Paul had been in on the discussion between PJ Rourke and Ben Affleck from the beginning. I kept saying, "Bring Ron out, he can add a lot to this conversation."

linnette said...

Yeah, I agree!

SoCalT said...

I was thinking the same thing Carol. I wish he had of been on the entire show.

SoCalT said...

By the way....

Congressman Ron Paul now has twice as many YouTube subscribers as all of the other Republican candidates for president combined. Here are the numbers:

Paul - 12,103

Romney - 2,059
Giuliani - 1,429
McCain - 1,291
Hunter - 413
Huckabee - 342
Tancredo - 211
Brownback - 111
Gilmore - 60
Thompson - 0
Total - 5,916

Congressman Paul also has twice as many YouTube subscribers as Barack Obama who has 5,988, and nearly four times as many as Hillary Clinton who has 3,517 subscribers.

Ron Paul 2008 YouTube Channel

Anonymous said...

Make that 12,104

