July 31, 2007

Your opinion please....

Two news choppers crashed into each other while covering a police car chase in Phoenix. The local authorities say the fleeing suspect might be charged with the deaths of the four people who went down in the helicopters. If you're in a car chase with the cops and someone happens to die, are you liable for murder?


Anonymous said...

uncle h says no

SoCalT said...

I say no.

I wonder how this whole thing will go though. Do you relly think they will go through with charging him?

Anonymous said...

Momma was familiar with those news chopper guys because she watches them every day. She cried when she heard about it.

Anyway, I think no, also. He wasn't directly responsible.

Drew said...

I, for one, am enthralled by car chases. I will watch any TV program with Sheriff John Bunnell in it. I think a lot of folks are the same way because there seems to be a demand for it commercially.

I think the publics desire to view car chases and the media’s desire to capture the feed led to the tragedy.

The perp is no more to blame than we are.

Anonymous said...

Another thing you and Tavia have in common--police chases.

Anonymous said...

OK, I say no as well, because I think the copters were in it for the entertainment value it brought to their stations. But to say that the suspect is responsible for their deaths would be ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

What if it was two police helicopters that crashed, Carol? Would you think he would be responsible then?

linnette said...

In my opinion, No, he should not responsible for that either. What do you think, Neisha?

linnette said...

I also don't think he should be responsible if two police cruisers crash on the ground while chasing him.

Anonymous said...

Okay, what if two regular citizens crash into each other because of him?

Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to think no on alot of this, until I think, "well if it wasn't for him, that wouldn't have happened."

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Anna.I'm back,Thank you gandma so very much.I Love her.
Shese beautiful !!!
I wish I knew how to make it up
to you.do you ?


