September 28, 2007

Hillary is so nice!

Hillary wants to give every child a $5,000 savings account upon birth to be used for college or buying a home. Awesome! What a great idea! Why didn't Ron Paul think of this?


SoCalT said...

I am so scared! This woman is nuts.

I watched the democratic debate the other night. Did you?

I think out of all the questions she got, I didn't hear a single answer out of her.

It was "blah, blah, blah, blah" until her time was up. NO joke

Anonymous said...

And there's tons of idiots that think that's a great thing for Hillary to do and will vote for her. People are so dumb.

SoCalT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow! It looks like Ron Paul is the only one in Congress with a calculator.

Let's start out with fitting calculators in the budget for Congress, eh?

Anonymous said...

The dilemma is, about your points, they are over the head of the average tax payer.

How do you put this in terms Joe Public can understand? By the time you get undivided attention it's too late.

linnette said...

Yeah, too many people are just apathetic.

Why only newborns? And, why only $5,000? Why not give EVERYBODY $25,000? Or $50,000? Oh, maybe they can't afford that. But, the $5,000 for the newborns shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure they have some extra money sitting around in an account somewhere. I sure hope so. Hillary wouldn't expect the taxpayers to pay for that, would she?

Anonymous said...

I'd still vote for Ron Paul if I get that free trip to South Florida.

Anonymous said...

Robert Said:

Now don't that make you wana have more kids?

linnette said...

funny, bob!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What about twins? Do you get 10,000 for two? This could be a great supplemental income for me. Unless of coarse they are going to wait until the baby gets 18 to send the check.

Anonymous said...

How abour siamese twins?

SoCalT said...

Nice Shavawn.

Did you guys hear that she changed this? I guess now everyone gets $1,000.

