September 17, 2007


SoCalT said...

You can hear me apologizing to him for having too many of his books for him to sign.

SoCalT said...

Hey mom, I bet you can email the guy who posted that video and he will have the footage of when Ron Paul patted you on the head. It was just a few seconds before the clip that he used in this video.

linnette said...

not sure if i want it.

SoCalT said...

well ok but it was really cute. i'm surprised the guy didn't put it in here.

anyhow, i really like this video.

Anonymous said...

He's so cool, isn't he? So likable and down to earth...

Lisa said...

That's really a neat video. Did you create it yourself, Linnette? If so, excellent!

Ron Paul's such a doll, you can tell he feels really comfortable around all those Libertarians. He's in his element.

Lisa said...

Ooops, I just discovered that someone else made the video. So it's not as neat as I thought. Just kidding, it is.

Lisa said...

Oh, one more thing: Ron Paul patted Linnette on the head? How cute.

Wonder what how he would have reacted to me... Probably invite me to come in for a pap smear at his office. lol

linnette said...

Lisa, you are so funny!

SoCalT said...

Lisa! You are so funny. Out of control. I wish you had of been there.

