October 3, 2007

ABC World News



Anonymous said...

Wow, ABC did a gret job didn't they?

SoCalT said...

Here is a good one from MNBC:


sorry i dont know how to get it up here if it isn't on youtube

linnette said...

There's one right after it, too, right? (Interviewing Ron Paul and he explains what is going on with the Federal Reserve right now). It's a pretty good interview.

The first part though, she says he is an isolationist, and that is NOT true.

SoCalT said...

I know mom, that made me mad too. The way she said it was almost like she was trying to make him sound weird.

A bunch of people fired off at MSNBC to correct that, so we are covered.

I just liked the "Breaking News." Everyone is shocked. I hope he keeps the momentum up.

