October 3, 2007

Help Keep Internet Access Tax-Free

If Congress doesn't act by November 1, the government can start taxing your Internet access. Click here to protest.


Anonymous said...


SoCalT said...

that is right carol! we should all be fired up about this. ok, i'm going to make some signs.

Anonymous said...

I think the government is just doing their job. Sometimes when we want to enjoy something, it needs to be taxed. You know, like cigarettes. The government is only looking out for our health. They should do that if we aren't smart enough to do it on our own. They care. When are people going to realize that?????

Anonymous said...

I think they are doing this so they can raise funds to pay all the newborns the $5,000 Hillary is promising.

SoCalT said...

Nice comment Shavawn! That is really funny. It is like they'd have to do that huh?

Wooohoo! Shavawn hit the blog.

linnette said...

Yeah, Shavawn hit the blog with a bang! Funny, funny, funny, Shavawn!

Neisha, I have to agree with you. The government is doing a good job taking care of us. Seatbelts, helmets, trans-fats, and alcohol and cigarette tax. I'm hoping they keep legislating these things. Because I get a craving for chocolate sometimes. And, to discourage me, I'm hoping for a tax on chocolate. Also, sugar is bad for us, candy bars, soda pop, greasy potato chips, etc. I think if we spend too much time in front of the television, our vision suffers. So, I'm hoping soon there will be some kind of legislation that allows only so many hours of television a day. And, oh yeah, I got sunburned really bad last year when I went to the beach. It was stupid of me to lay on the beach so long. But, it's not my fault. They should have had some signs or the police should have been issuing citations for spending too much time in the sun. And, when are they going to make us get the proper amount of exercise? And, let's see, what else do I need help with.

SoCalT said...

I stumbled upon a Jihadist website. Wow. I can't understand it or figure out how to get it into English but it says "Jihad never sleep. Free Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan" at the top of the page. Lots of stuff on Iran, Bush, McCain it looks like.

I won't post the link because I'm afraid but found it intersting that they have a "Gross US Debt is US$" ticker thing on the main page.

linnette said...

better tell the department of homeland security about it.

not really

Anonymous said...

Why would you be afraid to post the link?

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny. Yeah Linnette, I'm hoping they have some kind of ban on the number of calories one can ingest in a day. Maybe they can monitor with some kind of gizmo they can attach to your mouth to count the number of chews a person has in one 24-hour period. Or maybe they should install a time released lock on each refrigerator that only opens 3 times a day. They should require Whirlpool, Sears and others to have this on new refrigerators by 2009.

Anonymous said...

And I agree with the exercise thing. I think they should appoint one person for each street in America who acts as the lead exercise master for the block and they could give them a couple of thousand each month to blow a bugle at 5 AM and everyone would have to pile out of their houses to meet in the street to exercise. Can’t you see everyone out there jumping jacks? Of course they’d have to have a group of people who go into the houses to drag out people who don’t comply and their punishment could be that they had to exercise naked in front of all the others. Lol. And of course that would solve a lot of societies problems, you know, would provide lots of jobs and paperwork. The whole of society would benefit. I give a thumbs up to a program like this. Any other takers?

linnette said...


helmets in the showers is another good idea. Many, many people fall in the shower.

Anonymous said...

actually, it would be sort of fun for the neighborhood to meet out on the street in the morning...don't you think?

linnette said...

I was thinking the same thing, Neisha! lol

