October 23, 2007

We joked about the government making us exercise...

...but it may actually become a reality in the United Kingdom

The Chairman of Health in the UK is proposing that companies with more than 500 staff would have an "exercise hour". Employees would have to deliberately choose not to join in.

He also wants to introduce a smoking permit, which smokers would be required to show each time they bought tobacco.

[I'm sure you would have to pay for the permit.]

"It is not like banning something, it's a softer form of paternalism." [Give me a break.]

Some responses from the public:

After we have our "exercise hour", will the Government appointed nanny then be around to wipe our little noses? Perhaps to burp us after a meal?

The Government is hanging cameras everywhere, telling us what we can and can not wear, eat, and smoke.

When did we stop electing public servants and begin electing parents?

My comment: How much you want to bet the United States will start something like that?


SoCalT said...

Tyranny always evolves out of "good intention."

linnette said...

Great, GREAT point, Tavia! Everyone should think twice before going along with laws that limit our freedom to choose {transfats comes to mind).

Carol said...

I don't know you guys...I think I still may need that 5 AM bugel call to exercise on every street.

SoCalT said...

Don't forget in the UK you need a license to watch television too.

linnette said...

oh yeah, that's right, tavia

