January 26, 2008

A good idea?

A Democratic lawmaker in New Mexico wants to levy a one-percent tax on the purchase of televisions and video games to raise funds to fight childhood obesity.

The items that would be taxed have been carefully chosen because of their links to obesity and poor school performance. Around one-quarter of New Mexico's children are obese or overweight, and just over half finish high school.

The goals of the bill are to improve the academic performances of our kids, to promote a more healthy lifestyle and to provide our children with outdoor learning experiences.

What do you think?


linnette said...

I think it is a GREAT IDEA that needs to go national! I've always said Garrett spends too much time on the computer playing "World of Warcraft." So, if applying an extra tax to the video games will discourage their purchase, then I say it is definitely worth it! We have to weigh the benefits. And, I am sure that this tax will work and we will be seeing a significant difference in the health of the nation's children. And, isn't that the most important thing? After all, we are talking about America's future!

linnette said...

kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, kidding, of course!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I was getting ready to ask you if you had lost your last brain call? HA Vivian

Anonymous said...

I guess I lost mine, cant even spell CELL!

linnette said...

that is funny, mom!!

SoCalT said...

Those links don't work. I was just curious if Bill Richardson is behind this?

Anonymous said...

Robert Said: We need to fire every one of these guys! I am sick of paying for other peoples problems. Get rid of all of the people currently in office. They have done such a poor job of what they are doing they ALL need to lose their jobs, they are useless!

SoCalT said...

Advocates of Freedom and Liberty suggest that before any action from the Government becomes policy, all Government employees and elected officials should pass a rigorous fitness test and have the minimum suggested percentage of body fat .

linnette said...

Tavia, you should run for office! Do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Bob thinks even the good legislatures should loose their jobs. What about Ron Paul? He shouldn't loose his job, right Bob? He is one of the few that TRY to protect us from the "bad" ones, right?

