It has actually happened. Lawmakers have proposed legislation that forbids restaurants and food establishments from serving food to anyone who is obese (as defined by the State). Under this bill, food establishments are to be monitored for compliance under the State Department of Health and violators will have their business permits revoked.
House Bill 282 was introduced in the 2008 Mississippi legislative session on Friday by Representative W.T. Mayhall, Jr. of Mississippi.
Here is the assholes email address:
WHO WILL FEED ME???????????????????
What if they only want a salad?
what if they're obese due to medical reasons?
Hopefully they'll pass a law forcing restaurants to feed skinny patrons free of charge, then I'd have it made! And move to Mississippi.
I'm going to email the bastard right now.
I couldn't help myself, I emailed this to those mississippi legislators. I could have thought of better things to say, but just wanted to get it out there as quickly as possible, before my anger started to subside.
Someone just emailed me with information regargding a law being proposed by Mississippi legislators that would forbid restuarants to serve obese patrons.
I thought I'd heard it all, but THIS is the ultimate slap in the face to Americans everywhere, not just Mississippians. How dare you take it upon yourself to attempt to control restuarant owners, employers, employees, obese people, and the public in general, in this demeaning, tyrannical way?
Will you then propose an additional law, forcing restuarant owners to serve underweight patrons free of charge? Then I might benefit from such a law! And move to Mississippi.
Shame on you and your colleagues for having such thoughts, and for trying to impose your ideas on the rest of us! When will you stupid legislators take a break from your legislating duties and just DO NOTHING for a change?
Disrespectfully Yours,
Lisa Trainor
Lisa you are so funny.
I wonder what the restuarant owners think of this.
Your letter is GREAT, Lisa! Love it.
Robert Said: It's a little late to stop feeding them now! It's like the law that says you can't serve a drunk person in a bar. I think that may be the thinking behind this.
When's the last time an obese person got behind the wheel and killed someone after eating too much?
So, if it wasn't too late, you would think it may be a good idea?
You didn't read Lisa's letter, Bob?
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