March 1, 2008

Current Account Balance of the United States

Click here. Scroll way down to see the position of the United States.


SoCalT said...

That is OK. We will just reverse the Bush tax cuts and solve everything. Then we can give eveyone the healthcare they deserve because, after all, "healthcare is a right."

SoCalT said...

Hope you know I'm kidding on that, mom. You know me better though.

The official national debt figure, now approaching $9 trillion, reflects only what the federal government owes in current debts on money already borrowed. It does not reflect what the federal government has promised to pay millions of Americans in entitlement benefits down the road. Those future obligations put our real debt figure at roughly fifty trillion dollars – a staggering sum that is about as large as the total household net worth of the entire United States.

- Ron Paul March 6, 2007

linnette said...

Wow! Too scary. Dollar is failing. Buy gold.

Anonymous said...

You know it is bad when Israel asks the US for it's aid to be paid in EUROS.

