April 28, 2008

Saddest war picture

The reality of war. After 9/11, Americans wanted revenge! Here it is:


Anonymous said...

This is terrible. And there are a million others others that have needlessly died. All the BUSH lies.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why Bush is even respected in the world anymore.

Anonymous said...

He's NOT respected John!

Anonymous said...

Well, I see him everywhere.

linnette said...

He's the president.

Anonymous said...

John, you are a riot. Lol, seriously, I laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

John goes, "he's all over the place, in newspapers, on TV and interviews." John goes, "I even saw him and Laura at a roast last week". This is funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he wouldn't be on TV is he wasn't respected. lol

Anonymous said...

John goes, "I even heard he's going to the Middle East next month". I am laughing out loud, I am giggling as I type.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I saw him at a White House dinner. He was even with Cheney at a torture meeting with Condoleezza. Still giggling.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I saw him at a White House dinner. He was even with Cheney at a torture meeting with Condoleezza. Still giggling.

Anonymous said...

John goes, "well his picture was even in the paper today.

Anonymous said...

Robert said: Lynette, please remove this. We all know that's it's horrible but I thought this was a family type site. I come here to see Violet and Ledge and don't really want this in my face.

linnette said...

Yes, it is very difficult to look at. So, we’d rather not. Like you said, We all know it’s horrible. But, we’d rather not be reminded. We know our government drops bombs on cities that are filled with little children just like this one. But, we don’t want to see the results. The little, limp, lifeless bodies in the rubble. Other children lying just a few feet from this one had limbs missing, but still alive, were crying out for their mommies. But, we don’t, as you say, want these pictures in our faces. I cried when I first saw this picture, because I thought of Violet lying there. And, then I felt other emotions, like anger and outrage. Did you feel those emotions?

Your comment makes my point. We are in this country enjoying our lives with our happy families, while our government, in our name, is dropping bombs on cities filled with little children like the one in the picture. And, for what?

Instead of ignoring these realities, more people should be outraged. These atrocities do not cease to exist because we choose not to look.

Bob, if the realities of war are too uncomfortable to see, I would like to know why you plan to vote for John McCain. Can you explain?

Anonymous said...

Well Bob, it is a family-type site. That's why Linnette put up the picture, cause this little girl just lost hers forever.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Linnette. No, don’t remove the picture. It's good for people to see the "collateral damage".

Anonymous said...

Looks like a private family issue being aired here, but beings it's gone public, suffice it to say, IMO, Bob and Linnette both have their points, and I'll leave it at that. (I honestly see right where they are BOTH coming from.)

Anonymous said...

Kissy, kissy

Anonymous said...

Robert writes back: You bring up some very good points. I didn't want to get into a big debate here just was telling you how I didn't like to see that type of thing adjacent to pictures of our Grandchildren. I asked for the picture to be removed and thought I gave a good reason. I was nice about it and said please. I just thought you are a very nice person and would understand. Who would you like me to vote for?

linnette said...

Who would I like you to vote for? Well, you didn't answer MY question: Why do you plan to vote for John McCain? I don't want you to change your vote if you feel he is the right choice. I was just wondering WHY you feel he is the right choice. If pictures of children dying from American bombs are painful to view, then why would you be supporting the most militaristic candidate? Here are some warnings about John McCain:

“There is no politician who has been more mindlessly supportive than McCain of endless war in Iraq….”

“Beyond Iraq, McCain is as pure a warmonger as it gets in the American political mainstream.”

“…the virtual certainty that McCain will ensure the endless occupation of Iraq and, worse, will inevitably provoke more American wars.”

With McCain there will be “endless Middle East war.”

John McCain calls war “necessary and just.”

“He's … a warmonger, with little concern for those who would die in his military adventures.”

“When McCain sings about bombing Iran, does he give a thought to the Iranians who would die?”

Bob, see for yourself. Go to his website, www.johnmccain.com, and see what his views on war are. Here are a few examples:

A greater military commitment now is necessary if we are to achieve long-term success in Iraq.

The most important weapons in the U.S. arsenal are the men and women of American armed forces. John McCain believes we must enlarge the size of our armed forces to meet new challenges to our security. [Garrett will be draft age in three years.]

As President, John McCain will strengthen the military, shore up our alliances, and ensure that the nation is capable of protecting the homeland, deterring potential military challenges, responding to any crisis that endangers American security, and prevailing in any conflict we are forced to fight.

Protecting America's national security requires a strong military. Much needs to be done to maintain our military leadership.

So, can you understand my confusion as to your choice of candidate?

Anonymous said...


It's called being smart. I'm no fool. ha.

Anonymous said...

as I said, kissy, kissy

Anonymous said...

Okay, Carol, heard you the first time.

Anonymous said...

I like Bob, he's always done right by me, and our dad liked him a lot too and I could go on about that. I respect Bob too much to involve myself in his personal business. If that makes me a kissy, so be it.

Vianne Y said...

Think of all the innocent Sadam was killing.

Anonymous said...

I like Bob too, in fact, love him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vianne. What Sadam did was terrible also. Anytime innocent civilians are killed it is terrible and sad.

Anonymous said...

Linnette, this little back and forth between you and Bob is none of my business, but you guys are discussing it right out in the open. It's actually an interesting disagreement and makes for an interesting read.

This is just my own gut feeling about it:

Bob is not asking you to take down the picture because of anything to do with his politics or political views on the war. He just loves his grandchildren and enjoys very much visiting the blog to see the wonderful pictures you put up of them in their innocence. He's enjoying watching them grow, the expressions on their faces and the latest cute thing you caught with the camera; and in that context would prefer not to have to also see disturbing, graphic images of mangled and dead children and babies at the same time. Isn't his request perfectly understandable?

Because Bob has some sensitivities here does not mean he wants to ignore the realities of the war! There's a time and place for everything. It has nothing to do with one's views of Iraq, Bush and the war. Bob just asked for a little consideration here. He made an honest request for some consideration on something that was very understandably bothering him and my personal opinion is that his simple request should be no problem, should be kindly acceded to.

Like I said, it's none of my business, but you guys put yourselves out there, and this is JUST MY TWO-CENTS WORTH!

Anonymous said...

You know how a song keeps playing around in your head? Well this morning I keep hearing that song that goes:

“True Colors Shining Through”

Anonymous said...

This is my last visit to this thread.

“True Colors Shining Through”

And who might these words be directed at? What put down or criticism might those words contain?

Let me guess.

I'm trying to be open, up front and honest here, Carol, and wish you would do the same.

I wished you had come out and said what you mean, insteading of hiding behind "anonymous said" and phrases like "kissy, kissy," and now “True Colors Shining Through,” because I would like to have known your honest views.

This is a perfect example of why I come and have fun for a bit on the blogs then leave them a lone again, because invaribly there is cattyness, egos and petty arguing that kick in.

Our exhanges on the blogs are played out in front of many others, not just ourselves. I only have room for good-natured fun here and nothing else. I don't come here to argue or get personal or put anyone down. I have better things to do than that.

I love you Carol.

Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits . . .

Anonymous said...

you must be kidding

Anonymous said...

unbelievable! Shame on you guys acting like you dont have a brain in your heads.

Anonymous said...

Yeah John. lol

SoCalT said...

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.

--60 Minutes (5/12/96)

Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's quote, calmly asserting that U.S. policy objectives were worth the sacrifice of half a million children. Notice she didn't deny the cause or argue the number.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear all that news about the liver, little chicken?

SoCalT said...

what carol?

linnette said...

thanks for reminding me of that, tavia

Anonymous said...

“Did you hear all that news about the liver, little chicken?"

I heard it.
And don't call me chicken!
Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
I have told you a hundred times if I've told you once, do not call me chicken! I'm not twelve years old anymore!
Cluck cluck, cluck cluck cluck.

Your Leslie Stahl/Madeline Albright comment reminded me of what Uncle Watson was doing when
there was a lot of stress in the kitchen of the McGraths, in Hazlehurst Mississippi. It was the day Babe got out of jail. things were getting kind of heated between Cousin Margaret, Meg and Babe. Uncle Watson was trying to change the subject or smoothe things over when he asked "Did you hear all that news about the liver, little chicken?"

SoCalT said...

Oh I wasn't trying to change the subject. I was trying to get back on subject.

