April 26, 2008

Story Time

I was holding Ledge and Violet was pointing to the pillow and patting it while holding a book and I thought she wanted me to lie down with her and read her a story. I told her, "Violet, I can't read you a story right now because I'm holding Ledge." She said, "No, Baby," while she patted the pillow. I said, "Oh, you want me to read a story to you AND the baby?" She became frustrated because I still didn't understand. She whined, "No ... BABY," while she patted the pillow again and pointed to herself and then to the book. Okay, then I understood. "Ohhhhhh, YOU want to read a story to the baby by yourSELF." Yes, that was it. So, I laid the baby on the pillow and she positioned herself right next to him. She pulled up the blanket, making sure it was covering her AND him, and opened the book and read him the story. He paid attention, too.


Lisa said...

Omg! That is the cutest thing I've ever heard. Can you imagine?

I haven't had a chance to see Ledge yet, but I can hardly wait! Will be neat to see Violet in her new role as "mother hen".

In about one week, I'll be able to come down and see him, so be warned.

linnette said...

Oh, Lisa! That would be great! In fact, you could come today. I'm here all alone with just Ledge. Violet, Leo and Alyssa went to Leo's brother's wedding.

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

She is a great big sister!

Anonymous said...

tHESE ARE ADORABLE. Violet is so sweet and that baby is gonna love her oh so much!

Anonymous said...

It's so great to have these pictures. Wouldn't it be neat to have these kinds of pictures of ourselves when we were little like that?

linnette said...

Yes, Neisha, it would! Video, too.

SoCalT said...

Mom, Alysssa showed these to me last night on her camera. I love these so much. Violet is such an angel.

SoCalT said...

Lisa, can you come and visit me too?

