June 30, 2008


Ledge has been unhappy the last few days because he is teething. He seems to be in pain, cries a lot and just wants to be held. So, today Alyssa was just holding him and thinking that Violet was not getting much attention. Alyssa told Violet, "I really want to play with you." Violet said, "No, baby." Then she made a sound like a baby crying. So, the translation was: "No, you have to take care of the baby because he is crying."

So, Alyssa continues to hold Ledge. She is standing for a long time with Ledge, just swaying back and forth, trying to get him to drift off to sleep. Then, Alyssa wonders what happened to Violet. All is quiet. What is she up to? She turns around to look for Violet and sees her standing right behind her. Violet has her doll in her arms and she is swaying back and forth just like Alyssa is doing with Ledge. Isn't that the sweetest?

Well, Ledge fell asleep and Alyssa put him down in his crib. Then, I got a phone call from Violet. (She knows how to speed dial me from Alyssa's phone.) She told me, "Baby down." So, it was time for mommy to spend time with Violet now that the baby was down for a nap.


Lisa said...

That is the sweetest story ever told! All of them, darling.

SoCalT said...

Ahhhhhhh she is such a good girl! She is sooo sweet. She was looking out for Ledge even though she needed some time of her own with Alyssa.

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet,Vio;et is gonna be a kind,sweet child that takes care of Ledge

SoCalT said...

It's a good thing I have 50 Play-Doh colors on the way for Violet. She deserves them she is such a good girl.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it so smart that Violet actually knows the Ledge isn't feeling well and that's why he's crying so she knows he's needing Alyssa?

Anonymous said...

This is so cute. The cutest part is in the beginning when Violet knew ledge needed Alyssa's attention. Now that is a sweet girl!

