July 17, 2008

Ron Paul on Glenn Beck 07/16/2008


SoCalT said...

I love it when Glenn Beck said "you are looking more and more right every day."

It is so funny because during those debates a year ago, Ron Paul was talking about what is happening now and Mitt Romney, Giuliani, McCain etc were looking at him like he was crazy (on the economy, dollar etc).

Remember when Mitt Romney said "our nations biggest probem is our lack of optimism"? Isn't that funny? Our lack of optimism?? Peopel were too optimistic, they ran up a bunch of credit because it. They bought stuff they couldn't afford because they were overly optimistic.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul says that if the fed would do things right, "It would be rough for about a year, but after that everything would be okay again." That sounds very hopeful if that's all it would be. Peter Schiff and others have talked about a recovery taking a generation or 25years to come.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck points out that, as time passes, Ron Paul is looking more and more right. At the same time McCain looks more and more flaky; in fact there's talk that if he doesn't rebound and his image keep deteroriating, there could be a September surprise in which McCain actually withdraws and the convention turns to Condoleezza Rice, Ron Paul or someone else. Maybe that scenario farfetched and just wishful thinking, but one can hope.

Anonymous said...

All the talk of meltdown and Great Depression II is depressing, needless to say. But there's breaking news about a possible breakthrough with Iran and this moirning Iran is sounding positive about upcoming talks. What a relief if the Iran issue smooths out, Bush leaves office when his term expires, a milder soul becomes President (maybe Obama), we leave Iraq and have more resources to have a smooth economic landing rather than a full blown depression; thus we pull back from the brink and get a break from the nightmarish scenario we've been hearing more and more about, even in the main stream media. Enough already. May cooler heads prevail.

SoCalT said...

I heard earlier on Fox news that Iran said no to giving up its energy program (that is what I call it).

Is that true? What is the latest?

