October 5, 2008

Who are the big spenders?

I don't want Obama to be the next president.
I don't want McCain to be the next president.


SoCalT said...

What is the deal with Clinton using up all of the Social Security money to balance the budget though?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Linnette, people refer to anti-Bush sentiment as "liberal BS," but your graphic tells a truer story of who the real liberals are. Used to be that conservatves were FISCAL conservatives. Now they make the old liberal big spenders we used to hate look like "the good old days." ha. I'd take them any day over what we have now. Bush has doubled our national debt and, well . . . just read the newspapers or watch the evening news - I rest my case. ha.

Yeah, Tavia, there was that SS thing, but atleast people were still getting SS, whereas now, SS is very shaky. I'm sure you know more about this than I do.

