January 6, 2009

First picture is damage to Gaza, then see the damages to Israel, the last picture is one of the Qassam rockets that Gaza is using on Israel


linnette said...

I had no idea those Qassam rockets were so insignificant.

Anonymous said...

In a thread at a forum, someone commented, "Now we know who the real terrorists are!," and the response came, "Oh so, Hamas's rockets on Israel aren't terrorist acts?," something like that.

Anonymous said...

That picture of the two rockets is bogus. What else is?

linnette said...

Are you saying the Qassam rockets are not for real? Are you sure? And, how do you know for sure?

linnette said...

Anonymous, why do say it's bogus. I disagree. I got it from a valid source. So, you need to clarify what you mean. Okay?

